Society And Mental Illness

Society has conformed to the fact that people are the problem and that mental illness is the reason for gun violence but it isn’t. Mental illness is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with in America but the problem isn’t mental health. The problem of gun violence isn’t guns, nor the people but the combination of both with the level of availability of guns and the propensity for violence. Firearms nowadays are easily attainable with the “strict” regulations and background checks.

This doesn’t help that fact that Today’s generation is also very easily influenced by the things around them. This has caused our nation as a whole to be very violence-oriented.

After listening to the news and doing some research recently, it is pretty obvious these firearms fall into the wrong hands and one of the first questions asked are “where did they purchase the weapon? Or How did they get their hands on this gun?” and most times there was little to no regulations in this purchase process.

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Nowadays Firearms are too readily available, and “strict” gun regulations and background checks make them even easier to come by. Sonali Rajan talks in his article about how people find “loopholes” to background checks and how it’s been easy to access weapons by eliminating background checks. In this article a study was conducted to pose the view of gun violence prevention primarily through the lens of mental health, and how it is inadequate in providing us with a complete understanding of the factors that are associated with gun violence among youth.

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“The objective of this study was to apply statistical methods from the Center for disease control (CDC) and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)”. During this study, three states did not participate, which were Washington, Colorado, and Minnesota. These three states have different regulations when it comes to purchasing guns so this could affect the chances of youth gaining possession of the firearms. In the remaining forty seven states, a pattern of similar regulations were noticed and in most of the states, an 18 year old adolescent can purchase a firearm of any kind. Rajan also touches on the stigma associated with mental health and increasing the access to mental health support for those who need it. Rajan makes sure that he is not using mental health as an excuse.

He makes it clear that yes , mental health has played a part in gun violence it is sometimes used too loosely and is only a part of the problem. According to the article “Gun violence in American schools and communities has and continues to be a serious public health concern. Each year, nearly 3,000 youth are killed and approximately 16,000 are injured by guns”. Many times people buy these guns under the table or trade for them when they know they’re unqualified to make the purchase officially. Hemenway then states that “more than 300,000 guns are stolen each year, and gun theft seems to be a prime way for guns to get into illegal hands”. California made strict changes to their gun regulations and it as cut the violence in California by more than half. “These laws seem to be proving effective: rates of firearm fatalities in California fell by more than 55% between 1993 and 2015”.

If the rest of the united states would make these changes maybe our gun violence rate would reduce, but instead, In most states you can buy a semi-automatic rifle before you can buy a beer. “Although an individual must be at least 18 years of age to purchase a rifle or shotgun and at least 21 years of age to purchase a handgun, a subset of American youth still gain access to guns, subsequently increasing their risk of engaging in or being the victim of gun-related violence.”  Today’s children are being raised and brought up in an abusive generation where it is accepted to lash out violently. Our society is too easily influenced by the things around them. In a study found, it showed that the number one leading influence of gun violence was the police, ironically enough, then second were music lyrics. Kids nowadays are exposed to so much, they have all the technology at their fingertips and they are taught that it is ok to harm.

A study was also done in 2001 to study the attitudes towards gun violence and possession, the knowledge of gun violence and the different types of influences of gun violence among high school adolescents. The method used in this study was a questionnaire that was distributed to high schoolers 9th through 12th grade throughout 3 different public highs schools in New York City. 342 surveys were distributed, but only 273 (79.8%) were returned complete. “146 (43.2%) of respondents thought it was okay for anyone to own a gun, and 27 (8%) thought it was ok for children/ adolescents to have guns, and 137 (41%) reported to have ever had a gun in their household” (page 1126). After conducting this survey, several trends about experiences and attitudes towards gun violence were brought to light. “The reported prevalence of guns in the homes of adolescents studied in New York City was 20% at present and 40% in the present or past.

The likelihood of owning a gun increased with the belief that it was appropriate to own a gun, having been injured by a gun, or having had a relative injured by a gun”. Although these student aren’t victims, it is good to know their view on the topic and understand what goes on in their adolescent mind and what goes on in their household. It informs us well about what students think of gun control and gun possessions, as well as if they feel children/ adolescents should be handling these weapons. Another important point Hemenway makes is that “people with guns in their homes are three times more likely to die from suicide”. Kids brains are like a sponge and they learn quickly and unfortunately when kids are brought up in homes like this surrounded by violence they are influenced to do the same.

Based on what our youth are being taught at home and on the streets they are conforming to the fact that violence is the answer to their problems, when it is isn’t. Our society is growing to be very violence oriented. They are resorting to easier, more harmful ways of problem solving and it is going on unnoticed and that is where our nation is failing. Our job is to guide our youth and show them the way of life, not cheer them on to pull the trigger when pointing a gun at someone. like this surrounded by violence they are influenced to do the same. Rajan mentions that in 2012, “the Obama Administration expanded the list of prevention-based recommendations for making schools and communities safer from gun violence, including placing trained police officers in schools; providing greater mental health support for youth by increasing the number of guidance counselors, psychologists, and social workers;

Making sure that schools have emergency preparedness plans in place; and encouraging schools to implement evidence-based strategies to cultivate a more nurturing environment”. This was put into place because studies showed that students felt unsafe, or used substances, they were in possession of guns on school grounds. Guns are only have the battle and programs like these are a great way to finish the job. We can’t expect for people to become civilized once we take away their guns, we need to continue to nurture to their needs and care for our youth and be able to guide them in the right direction. “Gun violence is currently classified as the third leading cause of inquiry and death, after motor vehicles and opioids.

David Hemingway states in his article “In the half-century since the assassination of Martin Luther King, more civilians in the United States have been killed with guns than American soldiers have died in all US wars since the nation was founded in 1776. This informs us that as long as people have their hands on these firearms these tragedies will continue to occur. It is clear that this matter isn’t taken as seriously as it should, and unfortunately politicians only pay attention to it after lives are lost. It isn’t fair how this is one of the top 10 leading causes of death and it is constantly being put to the side. We need to stop blaming people for these tragedies because they wouldn’t be happening if guns weren’t present. These firearms are too readily available to civilians and in this world we live in no civilian needs a semi-automatic weapon for anything less than a blood bath.


  1. Sonali Rajan, 2014, Gun Possession among American Youth, A Discovery-Based Approach to Understand Gun Violence, volume 9, issue 11, page 1-12
  2. Doron J. Kahn, BA; Marwan M. Kazimi, BS; and Michael N. Mulvihill, DrPh, 2001, Attitudes of New York City Highschool Students Regarding Firearm Violence, PEDIATRICS, Volume 107, page 1125-1132
  3. David Hemenway, 2017, Fight the silencing of gun research, COMMENT
  4. Volume 546, page 345-347
Updated: May 22, 2022
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