Criminals: Jail or Community Service for Re-Education?

Respect to this question we should try to understand several important points; one of them would be, what kind of crime has been committed? robbery, fraud, murder, rape, terrorism, etc. What circumstances are there around this crime? mental diseases, poverty, abuse of power, etc. After that, another point would be trying to correct the factors which have led to commit this crime, in other words, to control the circumstances which could end in a crime and taking action to prevent it.

For instance, everybody knows that is easier that in a poverty society happens robberies, muggings, vandalism and in a society where the abuse of power isn? t controlled, it? s really easy to find fraud, bribery, embezzlement, blackmail.

Then, it is so important educate, on the one hand, trying to protect the rights to prevent the injustices, and on the other hand re-educating those who have committed a crime trying to be aware of his/her responsibility.

The punishment has to be constructive, getting that person can be reintroduced to society.

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But I don? t believe in prison life, life imprisonment is a failure of system, the prison, in general, is a failure of system. Nevertheless, I know that it? s really difficult to know how to re-educate people. To start we need a lot of persons working in it, in spite of the fact that the system doesn? t want to spend money in this kind of project, in education, in general.

In my opinion, would be a mixture between a program of education with different subjects focus on general culture and personal behaviors and another one focus on community service, working in natural projects to improve the environment of a town, cleaning natural spaces, rivers, mountains, or re-building public areas, like gardens, public buildings, etc.

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In conclusion, for people who are out the prison, the education and the protection of our rights are two keys to prevent that our prison are full and for people are in a prison, re-educating in the knowledge which are their rights, their obligations or responsibility to live in a society.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Criminals: Jail or Community Service for Re-Education? essay
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