Service Learning Reflection

Categories: LearningService

I picked to finish my service finding out hours at the Quantum Home. It is an organization situated on 45th street behind St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach, FL. The Quantum House is an encouraging house where households can stay while a member of their household is being dealt with nearby. The Quantum Home offers all meals, real estate, and home entertainment throughout the entire stay. The households are asked to pay thirty-five dollars each day, however it is never ever required if the family is not able to pay.

At the center they have a play space, a family utility room, double kitchen, dining location, living space, a back patio, a garden and an outside play area. Each space is supplied simply as a hotel is with a private bathroom in each. They are broadening to include more rooms and a bigger kitchen area and dining, however for now they have the ability to accommodate 10 families.

Throughout my service there were 9 families remaining at the home.

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All toiletries and kitchen products are used, each space is labeled by various names, such as 'Hibiscus' and corresponds with their own cooking area cabinet for their personal kitchen/pantry items, and their own shelf labeled in the refrigerator. All of their meals they offer are either donated by dining establishments or made by people in the kitchen or at their own kitchen area and brought into the Quantum House to serve to the families remaining. While I was doing my service, they were having leftovers from the previous night (turkey, sweet potato mash, ham with grilled pineapple, and rice with red beans) donated from Cafe Boulud.

The Quantum House is an incredible company.

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The sensation inside the house was so warm and inviting. The households staying there were really nice and it felt as if they were a huge family since they all have a comparable circumstance.

What I did at the Quantum House while volunteering is after arriving at 10:30am, I met Megan Lewis, volunteer director, and she gave me a tour of the Quantum House and even let me tour the only unoccupied room. She then brought me into the supply room and handed me a large dry erase board to check off chores to complete for the day. A few cleaning activities I completed today were vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning the kitchen/dining/playroom, windows, etc. While cleaning, the kids came up to me and insisted on ‘helping’ me by trying to vacuum and hold the cord for me. All of the children I saw today had an external fixator device on their leg so I was nervous about them helping because I did not want them to get hurt.

The Quantum House is an excellent resource available to the community and I believe there should be more houses in different areas. I think Quantum House is vital to the community. There is a website for the Quantum House: At this website there is information about the mission of the Quantum House, success stories, a referral form to sign up to stay at the house, an e-card sender available for the public to send pick me ups to the families, events, volunteer information/sign up/ activities, donation information, and contact information. This resource can help families in need of more information about the Quantum House or for others who would like to contribute to the Quantum House.

This agency is a great impact on the community by helping out families in need during hard times. On the website they make it clear that a family will never be turned away if they are unable to give the thirty-five dollars per night fee. Having cooked meals ready for the families, entertainment for children and adults and a place to stay nearby treatment facilities help families immensely. If a family needed treatment at St. Mary’s Medical Center, for example, and lives in Stuart, FL if they had to travel that far daily, it would put a serious strain on time and expenses

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Service Learning Reflection. (2016, Jun 16). Retrieved from

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