Redefining Grit: The Everyday Battle and Unyielding Resolve

Categories: Grit

Everyone has their own definition of grit. The consensus is that it means determination, resolve and an unwavering approach to follow one’s goals. I disagree, I believe that grit is something much less grand. It is something in people fighting everyday battles; from the CEO who can’t find the joy in his success, to the girl with depression who can hardly get up in the morning.

To quote a popular phrase: “Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”.

This theme is repeated and amplified in human history and lore. Only recently are we beginning to see that it applies to every one of us? It is no longer limited to the “chosen one” who must overcome challenges and vanquish evil, the fight is in every one of us to be the best we can be, to be kind to one another not only when it is easy but also when it is hard.

Difficulties in life are inevitable and completely out of our control, all we can control is how we respond to them.

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This year so far has been the most trying our generation has ever faced everyone has had numerous challenges, plans for our future have been put on hold indefinitely and the future looks bleak. This is not the time to give up and wait for the world to get back into shape, it’s time for us to take the future into our hands adapt to the challenges presented to us and overcome.

Our generation is plagued with problems including pollution, global warming, unprecedented income inequalities, pandemics, etc.

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These problems weigh on our minds and cause a variety of mental health problems causing us to feel helpless and feel the urge to give up. Grit would be the difference between us persevering and us languishing as a civilization. Grit is the difference between a person living their life as a marathon rather than a sprint, chasing life goals for years together. It has been shown time and again to be the highest indicator if success at all levels of life from primary school to accomplished scientists.

Thomas Edison is the perfect example, he tried thousands of times before he invented the light bulb. It was not a miracle, he was not a genius, it was an inevitable result of his unyielding effort. It is easy to be disheartened by failure everyone has times when they fail and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is at these times when it is most important to persevere.

So why isn’t this taught at school? Grit is a poorly understood concept; we simply do not understand what makes a person gritty or how to instill grittiness in a person. The only thing we know for certain is that it is not a fixed personality trait, it is trainable, and one can become grittier if they try to. It is easy to claim all great achievements as works of genius, but the truth is they almost always are not. We all have the ability to make our lives meaningful and great, if only we never stop trying.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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Redefining Grit: The Everyday Battle and Unyielding Resolve. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from

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