Rinconete y Cortadillo by Miguel de Cervantes

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Rinconete y Cortadillo forms part of Miguel de Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares. In order to answer what is exemplary about this novel, we must first understand the meaning of 'exemplary'. The Concise Oxford dictionary defines this adjective as "

  1. fit to be imitated; outstandingly good.
  2. to serve as a warning
  3. illustrative, representative".

Cervantes's intention with the Novelas Ejemplares, was to set his works apart from those of Italian writers. He aimed to introduce examples of behaviour that readers could follow or avoid in real life.

In the prologue, he said of the Novelas Ejemplares: "no hay ninguna de quien no se pueda sacar algin ejemplo provechoso." Unamuno also commented on the exemplary content of the novellas: "Y llamo ejemplares a estas novelas porque las doy como ejemplo - asi, como suena - ejemplo de vida y de realidad."

The leading writing style of the era was picaresque. A typical picaresque novel would follow the episodes of a 'p�caro' or rogue, whose behaviour does not change much throughout the novel, as he survives by using his wits.

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Although Rinconete y Cortadillo does not strictly follow the characteristics of a picaresque novel, elements are distinguishable and serve as examples of behaviour.

If 'exemplary' can be described as something that is worthy of imitation, there are certain aspects of Rinconete y Cortadillo that fit into this criterion. Firstly, although criminals, the members of Monipodio's brotherhood are extremely pious. In particular, Cervantes mentions the old men who perform reconnaissance. He describes them as honest, respectable and due to a fear of going to hell, regular churchgoers.

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The fact that a whole room in Monipodio's house is dedicated to worship implies the importance of religion. The reader therefore senses that piety is a worthwhile occupation of time. In addition, the action of giving some of their profits to the church, further exemplifies the importance of charity for the reader while at the same time being ironic in showing honour among thieves, piety among criminals.

The friendship between the two boys is also worth imitating. They meet and exchange stories at the beginning of the novel as two distinct characters. However, later on in the novel, they seem to be transformed into a single observing personality. If the reader can emulate the close bond between them they too would realize the value of friendship. As well as this unification, the brotherhood demonstrates another type of unity. Despite being criminals, the brothers are unified by a common interest and as a group they are better protected and much more efficient. In real life, the reader could learn from their situation to improve productivity in everyday life.

It is possible also to see the separation from the strangers, of Rincin and Cortado, as an example to follow. The two boys are accepted into the brotherhood, yet they remain detached as observers. The incorrect vocabulary used by the brotherhood leaves a gap with the boys. They serve as an example that one can be accepted without sliding into the "wrong group".

In another light, 'exemplary' can be illustrative. Certain actions in Rinconete y Cortadillo should not be copied yet can still be classed as exemplary because they demonstrate unsuitable behaviour, from which the reader can still learn. The first and most evident element that falls into this category is that of crime. Each of the main characters is involved in illegal practices, living in fear of the police in addition to God. Thus highlighting the difficulties of a life of crime and hopefully dissuading the reader from following such an example.

Rinc�n and Cortado flee their homes, not because their families reject them, rather that they wanted instant wealth. They then proceed to deceive people they meet in order to achieve their goal. Usually, it is the adults who mislead innocent youths, however in Rinconete y Cortadillo, the two boys trick the Muleteer at the inn, the travellers with whom they go to Seville and also the student in the market place. Although Cervantes does not criticize the boys, the reader can draw his own conclusions and realise that their actions are not commendable.

Violence also appears in the novel when Repolido beats up Cariharta. The events that lead to the attack - Repolido asking for money to continue gambling - also illustrate incorrect behaviour. The reader therefore learns two lessons in one.

Cervantes displays the ignorance of man as a crime in itself. The poor use of vocabulary by Monipodio and the brotherhood is utilised to demonstrate their inferior origins. Rinconete who "habia andado con su padre en el ejercicio de las bulas" draws the novel to a close by criticising their language. The words used by the brotherhood make their world seem less real and therefore more accessible for criticism. But ignorance does not stop here, it emerges that they think crime and religion are compatible. Their belief that they can still go to Heaven even though they steal is absurd and not one that should be encouraged.

Cervantes does not want to instruct readers of what they should draw from Rinconete y Cortadillo, but prefers to hint at exemplary behaviour. The reader is in charge of extracting the moral lesson from the story because Cervantes is not specific in his prologue. However, I think any type of behaviour that the reader can detect in the novel is exemplary, whether it be good or bad. Each reader can learn different things from the novel, as interpretation is key.

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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Rinconete y Cortadillo by Miguel de Cervantes essay
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