Review Of Jesmyn Ward’s Novel "Salvage The Bones"

Categories: Novel

Jesmyn Ward’s novel, Salvage the Bones, describes the journey of a family as they prepare towards the impending destructions of hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina can be considered as Mother Earth or even the wrath of Mother Earth that becomes a pivotal moment in the novel as it influences and changes the various attitudes, perspectives and decisions of the characters. Motherhood also becomes a significant part of the story as portrayed by Esch’s mother, China, Medea as well as Esch.

It is described through the perils of pregnancy, the roles and responsibilities of a mother and the difficulties of motherhood. In Ward’s novel, hurricane Katrina symbolizes a life-giving mother through the regeneration of the society or the Batiste family and the rebirth of Esch but it also symbolizes a punishing mother through the violence of motherhood.

After the disaster, there is a new beginning waiting for the family and the entire community as they are brought closer together. Esch witnesses “[…] an old white man and an old black man camping out under a tarp spread under a lone sampling; a family of Vietnamese with sheets shaped into a tent over the iron towing bar used for mobile homes” (Ward 250).

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She begins to ponder as she talks with her father, “wonder where the baby will sleep, wonder if it will lay curled up in the bed with me. If I will teach Junior to give it a bottle, the way Daddy taught us” (247). As they all wait for China with Skeetah, Esch mentions that “Randall will watch Junior and Big Henry will watch me and I will watch Skeetah” (258).

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Perry and Lindell states that several people have a tendency to exhibit selflessness, cooperation and participation especially as a consequence of a calamity (Perry and Lindell ctd in Dass-Brailsford et al. 30). Indeed, hurricane Katrina swept over their lands and left the whole community with shattered homes or buildings. But despite all of that, the hurricane gives the community and especially the Batiste family an opportunity to restart, to build a much stronger foundation and to rediscover the most important things. At times a great tragedy brings everyone closer together no matter what their social status, race or gender is.

Difference does not become an issue or focus after this tragedy but rather a chance for the community to re-establish and to improve their lives as one. The Batiste family may seem distant with each other with all of them dealing with different responsibilities and personal issues but after the calamity, they were able to face their concerns together especially when Esch’s father was able to acknowledge her situation. They were also able to gain a deeper sense of family pride or bond as they all learned to prioritize the well-being of each other. People would often focus on just the destruction itself and tend to give up, but Esch remains hopeful. She is aware of what they have lost but she is also reassured by what the future may hold for her, her baby and her family. Now that her family supports and knows about her pregnancy, she feels more at ease and begins to accept it as a new chapter in her life. In line with Perry and Lindell’s view, the Batiste family and even the community’s ability to move forward after hurricane Katrina are seen through the changes and interactions they have with each other. Like a mother who is considered as the light of the home, hurricane Katrina has given the community and the Batiste family a chance to reunite as strongly as ever and to start a brand new life especially with the arrival of a new member in their family.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Review Of Jesmyn Ward’s Novel "Salvage The Bones". (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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