Research about plastic recycling

1. Introduction

The job for the students was to compose about a subject that intrigued them, and to apply the found out knowledge and abilities in connection with the course details literacy.

Primary step was to get a concept of what to write, therefore brainstorming was the appropriate approach. With the gotten details an own mindmap was produced.

Beneath, we can discover both brainstorms, according to those brainstorms the subject has been selected.

Then the research question was developed: "What should we do with our plastic rubbish?" Furthemore three subquestions were formulated: "What is the current situation of plastic pollution?" "How can we recycle our plastic rubbish?" and "Which are the very best possibilities to recycle plastic?"

The purpose of this research is to discover out the damage that is brought on by plastic rubbish and how to prevent it.

Plastic rubbish is a global issue and affects all of us. This research study will be based upon secondary research study, so by existing literature.

The following chapters describe the findings of this report.

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First of all it discusses the search strategy, made to lead the research study. Second of all summaries of 2 primary short articles will be offered and judged upon their professionalism due to the assistance of the CARS checklist. A literature evaluation of one of the summarized reports will be offered. The report will also contain a chapter about plagiarism and research study ethics, which are very crucial to remember while composing a report. Finally the last chapter "conversation and conclusion" sums up the findings of this report.

Table 1: Samuel Thönnes, course Details Literacy.

Table 2: Samuel Thönnes, course Details Literacy.

2. Search plan

1. Browse concern: What is the current circumstance in plastic pollution? How can we recycle our plastic rubbish? Which are the best possibilities to recycle plastic?

2. Search terms: plastic rubbish worldwide, problems of plastic rubbish (worldwide), Recycling methods for plastic, most effective recycling methods for plastic, plastic recycling process, innovative plastic recycling methods

3. Information search method: internet search engines (google, bing), internet library HZ

4.Information sources used: scientific articles, reports, websites

3. Summary of the article “Global declaration on plastic pollution”.

Nowadays people are in permanent contact with packages, bottles, toys and a lot more products consisting out of plastic.

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Most of the products end up as rubbish after the first hour they have been bought. About the question what is happening to the plastic once it is thrown away, hardly anyone is thinking. The answer is simple, the plastic is coming back to cause even more damage. The way it comes back hardly anyone can imagine. It is coming back through our food chain, to fulfill its task, causing diseases to animals and finally to human kind, which is last in the food chain.

For the last 60 years society has been using plastic in a wasteful way, with little concern in which ways this valuable, important and useful product can properly be disposed or recycled.

The results are catastrophic, between 60 to 80 % of marine debris are in direct connection with plastic products. In the 5 largest gyres of our oceans enormous quantities of plastic are concentrated, with enormous consequences for the animals that live in the ocean. The consequences are going further to the food chain and human health. (Catto Fellowship Program, 2012, p.2)

Plastic is not biodegradable, its decomposing into micro particles. Those tiny pieces are impossible to get out of the water, and the pollution degree is growing on a daily basis. The ocean plastic pollution can be identified as persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances. Due to chemical substances, as polychlorinated biphenol, PCBs, the pesticide DDT, several chronic health effects, as endocrine disruption, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity can be observed. (Catto Fellowship Program, 2012, p. 2)

After summarizing the main facts of the pollution which can be traced to plastic rubbish, the next step is to find out what possibilities do we have to recycle the plastic.

3.1 CARS checklist on “Global declaration on plastic pollution”.


-Trustworthy source: As the article ”Global declaration on plastic pollution” is a submission from the united nations conference on sustainable development in advance of the Rio earth summit, I would call this source a very reliable one.

- Author’s credentials: Detailed information are not given. Only given is that it is the Catto Fellowship Program an initiative from the UN.

- Evidence of quality control: This article was published on the online site of the UN, which has to make sure that the quality of the published articles are good.

- Known or respected authority/organizational support: The united nations are well known and have respected authority. Organizational support is also given through several experts, which is ubiquitous knowledge, that these kind of organizations have full access to any kind of expertise.

Conclusion: The CREDIBILITY of this research is given.


- up-to-date(partially): The research was published in June 2012, nevertheless the used facts have not changed since then. - factual/detailed/exact: This submission contains detailed facts as it was prepared for the “Rio Earth Summit”. It is worked out in a very detailed way. -comprehensive: As 172 governments participated on the “Rio Earth Summit”, it was written in a very comprehensive way, which is also accessible to public. -Audience and purpose reflect intentions of completeness and accuracy: This document supports my own research, as it is giving me important facts about the world wide pollution of plastic rubbish.

Conclusion: the ACCURACY of this research is given.


-Fair/ Balanced/ Objective/Reasoned: This document has been written in a very objective way, reasoned by facts, which have been researched through experts. Furthermore that makes it fair and balanced.

-No conflict of interest: We can find a conflict of interest between the research of the United Nations and large industrial companies, which are depending on the wasteful use of plastic. Despite the fact that this conflict of interest can not be found in the text, but relies on common sense.

-Absence of fallacies or slanted tone: Nevertheless no slanted tone against anyone was found in the document, which makes it very objectively.

Conclusion: The REASONABLENESS of this research is given.


- Listed sources: At the end we can find several companies which support the ideas of the United Nations.

- Contact information: Contact information are provided through the United Nations itself, and can be found on their website.

Conclusion: the SUPPORT of this research is given; as we could contact co-workers from the United Nations, to get more information.

3.2 Literature Review on “Global declaration on plastic pollution”.

What is the specific topic of this article?

The topic of this article is about the actual situation in plastic pollution world wide.

What is the objective of this article?

The objective of this article is to provide information about the world wide plastic pollution. In this case it was written for the “Rio Earth Summit.

What are the theoretical assumptions?

Assumption 1: Plastic pollution is a global problem.

Assumption 2: A huge part of the ocean is affected by plastic pollution.

Assumption 3: Plastic pollution is getting worse every day, and has to be stopped.

How do the theoretical assumptions fit to your research?

The theoretical assumptions do fit my research, because it answers the sub question “What is the current situation in plastic pollution?”

Is there reference to specific concepts of theories/ What are the sources of information the author used?

Unfortunately there are no specific information about the author. Only information about the organization, the United Nations, are given.

What is the research method?

The article has been written through expert opinions, which are working for the United Nations.

Which type of material does the article present?

As it is written from experts it contains their own field research.

How did the author analyze and present the data?

The data were presented relying on facts through expertise, so the author based the article on expertise.

Does the author describe how the data could be interpreted?

A clear description is not contain, the article only gives information about the actual plastic pollution situation and the consequences. What are the main conclusions in the article?

As main conclusion it can clearly been identified that the actual situation is catastrophic and is even getting worse. 60 to 80% of marine debris are in direct contact with plastic pollution, the 5 largest gyres of our oceans show an enormous concentration of plastic pollution. This high concentration of plastic pollution results into our food chain being affected and finally being the cause for several diseases for animals and humanity.

4.Summary of the article „5 Stages of the Plastic Recycling Process”


First of all it has to be clarified what plastic recycling means by definition: “Plastic recycling is the term given to the processing of waste plastic which turns old or scrap plastic in to a useable product which can then re-enter the manufacturing chain. In order for the plastic to be in a suitable format for re use in manufacturing environments such as by injection moulding companies the waste or scrap plastic, needs to go through several recycling processes”. (Daniel Marriott, 5 Stages of Plastic Recycling Process, 2011)

Classify Numbers

Before explaining the 5 stages of the plastic recycling process, the importance of the 7 numbers given to each plastic product while being produced, has to be explained. -Number 1 is used for “PETE”, which means Poly(ethylene terephthalate): Soda bottles, water bottles, vinegar bottles, medicine containers, backing for photography film. -Number 2 is used for “HDPE”, which means high-density Polyethylene: Containers for: laundry/dish detergent, fabric softeners, bleach, milk, shampoo, conditioner, motor oil. Newer bullet proof vests, various toys. -Number 3 is used for “V”, which means Poly(vinyl cloride): Pipes, shower curtains, meat wraps, cooking oil bottles, baby bottle nipples, shrink wrap, clear medical tubing, vinyl dashboards and seat covers, coffee containers. -Number 4 is used for “LDPE”, which means low-density Polyethylene: Wrapping films, grocery bags, sandwich bags. -Number 5 is used for “PP”, which means Polypropylene: Tupperware®, syrup bottles, yogurt tubs, diapers, outdoor carpet. -Number 6 is used for “PS”, which means Polystyrene: Coffee cups, disposable cutlery and cups (clear and colored), bakery shells, meat trays, "cheap" hubcaps, packing peanuts, styrofoam insulation. -Number 7 is used for “OTHER” Products labeled as "other" are made of any combination of 1-6 or another, less commonly used plastic and therefor very difficult to recycle. (Eco Reading, 2007)

5 Stages of Plastic recycling

Stage one – Sorting the plastic

In the first stage the plastic is collected by the recycling company and gets to the recycling plant. At the plant the plastic gets sorted out into specific types of plastic. In total 7 different numbers which are used to specify, which kind of plastic is maintained, can be identified: The problem in plastic recycling is that mixed recycled plastic cannot deliver good quality in manufacturing, therefore it is sometimes difficult or impossible to recycle the plastic to produce new plastic out of it. Recycling companies must therefore pay attention especially to sort out waste plastic.

Stage two – Washing Waste Plastic

Once the plastic has been sorted out, the washing process begins. Paper labels get removed, as adhesives and other impurities. Any third-party product on the plastic will lower the quality of the recycled plastic.

StageThree- Shredding the Plastic

In the third step the plastic is getting shredded through huge hoppers that funnel the clean scrap towards rotating metal teeth. The plastic is ripped in to small pellets, which are bagged and tested afterwards.

Stage Four – Identify and Classify the Plastic

After being bagged the plastic is getting tested chemically and labelled to its exact specification. Either the rGrade plastic can be used for manufacturing by adding a mix of virgin plastic, or it can be further recycled.

Stage Five - Extruding

In the last step the clean shredded plastic is going to be extruded in to form of pellets, so that it can be either used for manufacturing of for further recycling. (Daniel Marriott, 5 Stages of Plastic Recycling Process 2011)

4.1 CARS checklist on „5 Stages of the Plastic Recycling Process”.


-Trustworthy source: PR Log is an online press release distribution and press release submission service. Main objective of this site is to publish news from all over the world in the industry sector. The article “5 Stages of the Plastic Recycling Process” is supported by the company “Ck Polymers”, which is a multi-national distributor of rGrade plastic. Therefore we can call this source trustworthy.

- Author’s credentials: The author “Daniel Marriott” is mentioned, it is possible to contact him via email through a hyperlink and via his phone number. 0845 8730037. As a conclusion it can be said, if further questions are necessary, it would be possible to contact the author.

- Evidence of quality control: This article was published on the online site of “PR Log” and is supported by the company “Ck Polymers”, which makes sure that the quality of the article is given.

- Known or respected authority/organizational support: “PR Log” is a registered company and all the published content must be controlled. Furthermore it is supported by the company “Ck Polymers”, which is in the recycling business.

Conclusion: The CREDIBILITY of this article is given.


- up-to-date: The article was published in October 2011, we can not call this up-to-date, on the other hand it can not be called old, because the process has probably not changed. - factual/detailed/exact: This article only contains facts , is very detailed and exact about the whole process and the five steps. -comprehensive: The article is very easy to understand and to read , which makes is very comprehensive.the -Audience and purpose reflect intentions of completeness and accuracy: This article supports my own research, as it is giving me important facts about the plastic recycling process.

Conclusion: the ACCURACY of this research is given.


-Fair/ Balanced/ Objective/Reasoned: This document has been written in a very objective way, reasoned by facts, which have been researched through the company “Ck Polymers”, which exerts the written process. Furthermore the article is fair and balanced as no one is getting offended.

-No conflict of interest: No conflict of interest can be found in the article, as it is only informing about a possible recycling process. No one gets offended.

-Absence of fallacies or slanted tone: No slanted tone against anyone was found in the article, which makes it very objectively.

Conclusion: The REASONABLENESS of this research is given.


- Listed sources: At the end of the article three hyperlinks can be found, leading to “Ck Polymers”, where the information is coming from.

- Contact information: Either the possibility is given to contact directly the author of the article, or through the hyperlink from the company “Ck Polymers”.

Conclusion: the SUPPORT of this research is given

4.2 Literature Review on „5 Stages of the Plastic Recycling Process”.

What is the specific topic of this article?

The topic of this article is the five step plastic recycling process.

What is the objective of this article?

The objective of this article is to provide information about how the five step plastic recycling process works in practice.

What are the theoretical assumptions?

Assumption 1: Plastic recycling is a great economically opportunity.

Assumption 2: The recycling process is simple and effective.

How do the theoretical assumptions fit to your research?

The theoretical assumptions do fit my research, because it answers the sub question “How can we recycle plastic?” The article shows me a clear opportunity how to recycle plastic?

Is there reference to specific concepts of theories/ What are the sources of information the author used?

There is a reference existing, linking to a company using the five step recycling process. The author is basing his information on this source/company.

What is the research method?

The research method is secondary research, the author made a research by contacting the company to get detailed information.

Which type of material does the article present?

The article presents detailed knowledge about the recycling process.

How did the author analyze and present the data?

The data were presented relying on facts through expertise from the company “Ck Polymers”, so the author based the article on the expertise of the company.

Does the author describe how the data could be interpreted?

An interpretation is not available, the article only gives information about the five step recycling process. What are the main conclusions in the article?

The main conclusion in this article is that we can make the difference between 7 different numbers every plastic material contains for the recycling process. Furthermore we get a detailed explanation about the five step process, in which the plastic gets sorted, washed, schredded, identified/classified and finally extruded. The end product is called rGrade plastic, which can either be manufactured by adding virgin plastic, or being used for further recycling.

5. Summary of the article “Startups make plastic rubbish to oil”.

This article is about the possibility to transform plastic rubbish into oil. Oil is one of the most used and important products and nowadays called the “black gold”. Oil relies on 10% of the world wide plastic production, so the main question should be. Why don’t we recycle it back to oil?

The possibility for this recycling process is given now. Pioneer companies as “Agilyx” and “Vadxx” developed a process, in which plastic can be transformed to oil again. The result is out of 5 kilogram plastic, 3,8 liter oil can be won.. Looking at the yearly production of 265 million tons of plastic, which moves right away to our garbage 1.5 billion barrels of oil, could be recycled. Only in Europe around 70 million tons of plastic rubbish are ending up on landfills. Looking at the actual landfills, which could be seen as giant oil pits.

The process is simple. In a first step the plastic gets assorted. In the second step the assorted plastic gets shredded and heated up to 400 degrees. The resulting synthetic gas cools down and is transformed into the end product, oil. According to “Agilyx” 75% of the oil, which is located in the plastic, can be recycled. Not forgetting the CO2 emission, which is 60 % lower as if we would simply burn the plastic. (Innovation: Startup makes plastic to oil, 2013)

Meanwhile this plastic recycling noise is spreading all over the world. In Germany for example the company “Nill Tech” situated in Mannheim has opened a factory, which is using the same procedure.(Company in Mannheim makes plastic to oil, 2013) 5.1 CARS checklist on “Startups make plastic rubbish to oil” and “Company in Mannheim makes plastic to oil”.


- Trustworthy source: Both articles are written by the German author “Benjamin Reuter”, who is working for the magazine “Wirtschafts Woche Green” , the information are coming from an interview with the named companies, which makes the article trustworthy.

- Author’s credentials: Unfortunately, no details about the authors can be found in the report itself, only his name. More information about the author can be found through the Magazine “Wirtschafts Woche Green”. - Evidence of quality control: This article was published on the online site of the magazine “Wirtschafts Woche Green”, this magazine is focusing on reporting over innovative technologies and companies. A quality control is guaranteed. - Known or respected authority/organizational support: The magazine “Wirtschafts Woche Green” is a registered company, which means that the all the online articles are controlled.

Conclusion: The CREDIBILITY of these articles are given.


- up-to-date: The articles were posted on January 2013, 11 month ago. - factual/detailed/exact: These articles were made from interviews with the named companies concerning their technology and procedure. -comprehensive: These articles can be called comprehensive as a lot of important information for my report are given. -Audience and purpose reflect intentions of completeness and accuracy: These articles supports my own research, as it gives all detailed information about the possibility , how to recycle plastic.

Conclusion: the ACCURACY of this research is good.


-Fair/ Balanced/ Objective/Reasoned: These articles are fair, balanced, objective and reasoned, as direct information from the mentioned companies were given.

-No conflict of interest: These articles do not contain any conflict of interest, as it is written to inform public and does not offend anyone.

- Absence of fallacies or slanted tone: No slanted tone was found in these articles.

Conclusion: The REASONABLENESS of this research is given.


- Listed sources: a list of references is not given.

- Contact information: No contact information of the authors, only the magazine can be contacted directly.

Conclusion: the SUPPORT of this research is partially given

5.2 Literature Review on “Startups make plastic rubbish to oil” and “Company in Mannheim makes plastic to oil”.

What is the specific topic of this article?

The topic of this article is the process making oil out of recycled plastic.

What is the objective of this article?

The objective of this article is to provide information about how the process making oil out of recycled plastic works in practice.

What are the theoretical assumptions?

Assumption 1: Recycling is a great opportunity to gain raw material.

Assumption 2: Oil is one of the most important resources nowadays.

Assumption 3: The resource oil will even become more important in the future.

How do the theoretical assumptions fit to your research?

The theoretical assumptions do fit my research, because it answers the sub question “How can we recycle plastic?” and “Which are the best possibilities to recycle plastic?” The article shows a clear opportunity how to recycle plastic and make oil out of it again. As Oil is an important resource nowadays it can be seen as the best possibility together with the five step process of recycling plastic.

Is there reference to specific concepts of theories/ What are the sources of information the author used?

The article contains a link to the companys “Agylix” and “Vadxx”, which can be seen as a reference. The recycling process is explained with a video, which can also be seen as a reference. The sources the author used are definitely coming from the above mentioned companies.

What is the research method?

The research method is secondary research, the author made a research by contacting the company to get detailed information.

Which type of material does the article present?

The article presents detailed knowledge about the recycling process.

How did the author analyze and present the data?

The data were presented relying on facts through expertise from the company “Agylix” and “Vadxx”, so the author based the article on the expertise of
the company.

Does the author describe how the data could be interpreted?

An interpretation is not available, the article only gives information about the recycling process making oil out of plastic.

What are the main conclusions in the article?

Main conclusion of the article is that there is possibility to get oil out of recycled plastic. Oil is one of the most wanted resources nowadays. Pioneer companies made it possible to develop a process, where 3,8 liter oil can be produced out of 5 kilogram of plastic. Furthermore the process is being explained, working as follows: The plastic gets assorted and shredded. The shredded plastic is going to be heated up by 400 degrees. Due to this heating up process, results synthetic gas. In a next step the synthetic gas cools down and results into oil, which can be used again. A last point is the CO2 emission, which is 60%, then if the plastic would simply be burned.

6. Plagiarism

First of all what is Plagiarism?

Definition found on “”:

Plagiarism is an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author. In short, plagiarism is all about stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterwards.

During my research on how to recycle plastic rubbish, I tried to prevent plagiarism by summarizing the article into my own words. Furthermore every used source is given in APA style, at the end of the text. In short I used someone else’s knowledge, but summarized it into my own words.

7. Research ethics

According to the known information the used sources did not break any common research ethics. The author of this research used information, which were freely obtainable for everyone on the Internet. In order to prevent plagiarism and only use the sources for knowledge and information, no common research ethics was broken. It was not necessary to ask permission to use the mentioned sources.

8. Discussion and Conclusion

Then the research question was formulated: “What should we do with our plastic rubbish?” Furthemore three subquestions were formulated: “What is the current situation and why is it like that?” “How can we recycle our plastic rubbish?” and “Which are the best possibilities to recycle plastic?”

The main research question was “What should we do with our plastic rubbish?” The first sub question “What is the current situation of plastic pollution?”, was answered as follows: It was found out that the actual situation is catastrophic and is even getting worse. 60 to 80% of marine debris are in direct contact with plastic pollution, the 5 largest gyres of our oceans show an enormous concentration of plastic pollution. This high concentration of plastic pollution results into our food chain being affected and finally being the cause for several diseases for animals and humanity.

This fact lead to the next sub question, “How can we recycle our plastic rubbish?” The answer to this question has been found in the two other summarized articles. It has been found out that there are companies, which are specialized in plastic recycling, following a five step process. In this five step process the plastic gets sorted, washed, schredded, identified/classified and finally extruded. The end product is called rGrade plastic, which can either be manufactured by adding virgin plastic, or used for further recycling.

This further recycling leads us to a second effective possibility of plastic recycling. Transforming plastic into oil, which is one of the most wanted resources nowadays. Pioneer companies made it possible to develop a process, where 3,8 liter oil can be produced out of 5 kilogram of plastic. This process works as follows: The plastic gets assorted and shredded. The shredded plastic is going to be heated up by 400 degrees. Due to this heating up process, results synthetic gas. In a next step the synthetic gas cools down and results into oil, which can be used again. An important aspect of this process is also the CO2 emission. It uses 60% less CO2 emission, then if the plastic would simply be burned.

The last sub question “Which are the best possibilities to recycle plastic”, has also been answered. We can say that the “five step recycling process” is the basic, which should be consequently applied all over the world. The possibility to gain oil out of used plastic again, should be seen as a continuation on the “five step recycling process”. To answer the main question “What should we do with our plastic rubbish?” It can be said that the answer is recycling as much as possible. Recycling due to innovative techniques, which can be further developed and ameliorated. The reason humanity has to focus on plastic recycling is not only because of the fact humanity is polluting his earth, which is our source of life. Furthermore the wasteful use of resources will create economical crises, prices of essential products will rise into immeasurable circumstances and make life on earth much harder. All people do need to start thinking long-term and more important in a sustainable way!

9. Reference List

9.1 Summaries, Literature review

Catto Fellowship Program (2012). “Global declaration on plastic pollution” SUBMISSION TO UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT In advance of the rio earth summit. Written on June, 2012, from

Benjamin Reuter (2013). Wirtschafts Woche Green, Startup company makes plastic to oil. Written on January, 2013, from

Benjamin Reuter (2013). WirtschaftsWoche Green, Company in Mannheim makes plastic to oil. Written on January 31, 2013, from

Daniel Marriott (2011). Pr Log, 5 Stages of the Plastic Recycling Process. Written on October 27, 2011, from

9.2 Other articles Plastic recycling from

Diana Bocco & Bronwyn Harris (2013). How is plastic recycled? Written on December 20, 2013 from

Eco Reading (2007). Reading Recycles 1-7 Plastic. Written on June 7, 2007, from

Ck Polymers. Website from recycling company :

9.3 Pictures

Front page picture:

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Research about plastic recycling. (2016, May 14). Retrieved from

Research about plastic recycling essay
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