Qualities Of A Succesful Diplomat

Categories: ArtPersonal Qualities

In a globe, where interconnectedness is crucial, with globalization intensifying its pace and democracy, been viewed as a global currency. The profession of diplomacy is a subject of this discuss. The concept of profession is unclear in its depiction in a social institutional construct, more traditionally it connotes a “learned profession” like Law, Medicine e.t.c[1]

The term diplomacy more often is associated with the relationship between countries by specialized personnel, having its origin in the old usage of diplomatic activities.

Diplomacy is an art and science of international politics, modern time’s attributes of organization, the best alternative mechanism or instrument to avert war.[2]Diplomacy is the conversion of rhetoric to a foreign policy.[3]

After world war two, the face of diplomatic duties and engagement changed, with the Neo-Liberal, integration efforts and migration. [4]

The situation of a diplomat is, realistically inclined in the use of games theory, in that he/she must be able to formulate orders, strategies from a good and tactical perspective; the ability to negotiate is also crucial, ability to be able to forecast decision and motives.

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The major strength of a diplomat lies in the understanding of the profession as a game, with the utilization of strategy and tactics, deceit and negotiation. [6]

The interdependence of states in the international scene has made diplomacy more complex, more active than ever before, diplomacy is more or less governance in a respect, as presidents also take some diplomatic responsibilities to actualize the foreign policy, conflict resolution to mention but a few addressing the issue of the complexity involved in diplomatic duties.

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A similar case is the travelling of Bush to some troubled spots in the Middle East and Africa recently. The Kenyan crisis also brought a lot of presidents together and diplomats, all calling for peace, because in a way the economy of different states is affected due to the interconnectedness of the globe.


First, a successful diplomat must be charismatic, must possess leadership traits, bearing a passionate appeal for subordinates to respect and obey orders. [7]

This is where personality, idiosyncracy comes in and a sense of co-ordination, in reality a need for a leader is crucial, thereby making a successful diplomat a jewel of invaluable  estimate. The international polity regardless of some long and unending wars, still needs the services of diplomats, this depicts the complexity in negotiations and conflict resolution.

Leadership, charismatic leadership draws the sentiments and ideologies of subordinates to be inclined to the leader’s perspective, even in external relations leadership qualities cum charismatic qualities are crucial, and for example, diplomats like Henry Kissinger are well respected in the academia and diplomatic community.

Another is a wide horizon of knowledge about global issues and the art of diplomacy, as earlier mentioned the art of diplomacy is getting complex, compared to the era of the League of Nations or the early 19th Century, now to be a successful diplomat, not only your academic discipline matters, but the passion for global affairs and updated knowledge of current issues.[8]

In addition, the principle of pacta sunt servanda, no longer hold valid in major diplomatic circuits as there are several consulates, with many states and personalities engaged in a hub of influencing the direction of foreign policy execution and negotiation. Language plays a central role also, as the multiplicity of States in the globe need to be reached or related to in their indigenous languages.

It therefore means knowledge of the art of diplomacy, versatility in the field, and language are required due to the interconnectedness and global governance phenomenon.

Lastly, a successful diplomat, apart from been intelligent, abreast of global issues, must be strong willed, never easily discouraged, in a world of confusion,[9]the depiction of a diplomat as a spy ,shows the complexity in the art of diplomacy. Its therefore expected that to be successful, a diplomat must be able to articulate his/her ideas to match up with the situation at hand ,an individual always ready for challenges and having ever clue to unravelling mysteries surrounding difficult situations.

In conclusion, the art of diplomacy ,is not for the weakling ,it’s a profession for the philosopher kings, from Platos thought, it’s a different field or profession which needs years of experience, communication, linguistic expertise and versatility in global affairs.



Rossow, R, Professionalization of the new diplomacy, World Politics, Vol. 14, No. 4. (Jul., 1962), 561-575.Retreived from Jstor database,22nd March 2008.

Simpson, S, the nature and dimension of diplomacy, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 380, Resources and Needs

of American Diplomacy. (Nov., 1968), 135-144. Retrievedss from Jstor database,22nd March 2008.


E-Diplomat, A short list of key qualities,21st March 2008,culled from the site

Kithara ,H ,the making of a good ambasador,March 22,2008,retrieved on 22nd march ,2008 http://www.ediplomat.com/nd/essays/kitahara.htm

Shaheed, J, Creating a diplomat, June 17 ,2004,  retrieved 21st ,March 2008, http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/teaching/projects/Distinguished04/JaspreetShaheed.pdf

The Public Opinion foundation, database, A diplomat is a spy, 11th, July 2002, retrieved, 22nd, March, 2008,


[1] Rossow, R, Professionalization of the new diplomacy, World Politics, Vol. 14, No. 4. (Jul., 1962), pp. 561.

[2] Simpson,S, the nature and dimension of diplomacy, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 380, Resources and Needs

of American Diplomacy. (Nov., 1968), pp. 135

[3] Ibid,pp 136

[4] Ibid,  Rossow,pp 563

[5] Shaheed, J, Creating a diplomat, June 17 ,2004,  retrieved 21st ,March 2008, http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/teaching/projects/Distinguished04/JaspreetShaheed.pdf ,pp5

[6] Ibid,pp27.

[7] E-Diplomat, A short list of key qualities,21st March 2008,culled from the site http://www.ediplomat.com/nd/essays/maclehose.htm

[8] Kithara ,H ,the making of a good ambasador,March 22,2008,retrieved on http://www.ediplomat.com/nd/essays/kitahara.htm

[9] The Public Opinion foundation,database,A diplomat is a spy,11th,July 2002,retrieved,22nd, March ,2008,


Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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