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Why is Walton trying to reach the North Pole?

Category: Literature

In the novel Frankenstein, Walton is attempting to reach the North Pole primarily to fulfill his ambitious desire for scientific discovery and exploration. Driven by a fervent thirst for knowledge and a passion for exploration, Walton seeks to unveil the mysteries hidden in the uncharted regions of the Arctic. He yearns to make groundbreaking discoveries, uncovering the secrets of the polar world, and hopes that his expedition will contribute significantly to the advancement of human understanding. Moreover, Walton is also drawn to the North Pole as a means of escaping the confines of conventional society, yearning for a sense of freedom and solitude that the vast icy wilderness promises to provide. However, his pursuit of knowledge and adventure comes with significant risks and challenges, as he encounters the enigmatic and tragic figure of Victor Frankenstein during his perilous journey.

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Why is Walton trying to reach the North Pole?. (2023, Jul 27). Retrieved from

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