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Why does Jonathan Harker first travel to Transylvania?

Category: Literature

Jonathan Harker's journey to Transylvania in Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula" serves several purposes. The first and most immediate reason for his journey is to facilitate Count Dracula's purchase of Carfax Abbey in England. As a solicitor employed by a law firm with connections to the Count, Harker is tasked with traveling to Transylvania to assist in the legal arrangements for the acquisition of Carfax Abbey.However, Harker's journey also serves a narrative purpose in the novel. By setting the story in motion with Harker's departure for Transylvania, Stoker establishes a sense of intrigue and foreboding. The remote and mysterious nature of the location, coupled with the superstitions surrounding the region, create an atmosphere of danger and fear.

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Why does Jonathan Harker first travel to Transylvania?. (2023, Jul 13). Retrieved from

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