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Why Did Okonkwo Kill Himself?

Category: Literature

Okonkwo, a prominent character in Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart," took his own life due to a culmination of personal and societal pressures that led to a profound sense of despair and hopelessness. As a fiercely traditional Igbo warrior and leader, Okonkwo struggled to navigate the complex interplay between his cultural heritage and the encroaching influences of colonialism and Christianity. The erosion of his clan's traditional values, coupled with his own deep-seated fear of resembling his father's perceived weakness, fueled his relentless pursuit of masculinity and success. However, his unyielding determination eventually alienated him from his community and family, leaving him isolated and emotionally shattered. The tragic decision to end his life reflects the tragic clash between individual will and external forces, illustrating the profound impact of cultural upheaval and personal identity on one's ultimate fate.

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