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Who Is The Narrator In Wuthering Heights?

Category: Literature

Emily Bronte's novel "Wuthering Heights" has two narrators, Mr. Lockwood and Nelly Dean. Mr. Lockwood is the first narrator and is an outsider who has recently moved into Thrushcross Grange, a neighboring estate to Wuthering Heights. He is a city man who is fascinated by the wild and untamed landscape of the moors and becomes entangled in the story of Heathcliff and Catherine. Nelly Dean, on the other hand, is a servant who has lived her whole life on the moors and has a deep connection to the characters and their history. She is a close observer of the events that unfold and has a personal stake in the story, having grown up with many of the characters. The use of multiple narrators allows Bronte to explore different perspectives on the story and to provide insight into the complex motivations and emotions of the characters.

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