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Who Is The Male Love Interest In The Novel Wuthering Heights?

Category: Literature

The male love interest in Emily Bronte's novel "Wuthering Heights" is Heathcliff. He is a mysterious and brooding figure who is brought to Wuthering Heights as a young boy and grows up alongside Catherine Earnshaw. Despite their intense love for each other, Catherine chooses to marry Edgar Linton, a wealthy neighbor, instead of Heathcliff, which sets off a chain of events that drives the rest of the plot. Heathcliff is a complex and ambiguous character who is both a victim and a perpetrator of violence and revenge. His character embodies the destructive power of unchecked passion and the toll it can take on those around him. The intense and tumultuous relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine is a central theme of the novel and serves as a commentary on the limitations of social class and the destructive power of love.

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Who Is The Male Love Interest In The Novel Wuthering Heights?. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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