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Who Is The Author Of Wuthering Heights?

Category: Literature

The author of Wuthering Heights is Emily Bronte. She was born on July 30, 1818, in Thornton, England. Emily Bronte is one of the famous Bronte sisters, which includes Charlotte and Anne Bronte. Emily Bronte is known for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, which is considered a masterpiece of English literature. The novel was published in 1847, a year before Emily Bronte's death. Wuthering Heights is a novel that tells the story of two families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons, and the intense relationships between their members. The novel explores themes such as love, revenge, social class, and the destructive effects of obsessive love. Emily Bronte's writing style is characterized by her use of vivid imagery and symbolism, which create a haunting and intense atmosphere throughout the novel.

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