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What Motivates Odysseus To Tell A Lie To The Cyclops?

Category: Literature

In the Odyssey, Odysseus is motivated to tell a lie to the Cyclops out of a strategic need for self-preservation and the survival of his crew. Faced with the perilous situation of being trapped inside the Cyclops' cave, Odysseus realizes that the truth could endanger them further. By falsely claiming that his name is "Nobody" and concocting a tale about his ship being destroyed, Odysseus aims to divert the Cyclops' anger, prevent retaliation, and create an opportunity for escape. This cunning deception underscores Odysseus' resourcefulness and his commitment to ensuring the safety of his men, highlighting the importance of quick thinking and adaptability in the face of daunting challenges.

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What Motivates Odysseus To Tell A Lie To The Cyclops?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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