
question icon How old is Jay Gatsby?
Category: Literature Views 311
answer icon It's not explicitly stated in the novel, but he is believed to be in his thirties.
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question icon What is the narrator’s name in The Yellow Wallpaper?
Category: Literature Views 361
answer icon The name is not revealed.
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question icon How does the use of the word “official” in this stage direction affect the mood of the scene?
Category: Literature Views 341
answer icon The word "official" creates a formal and serious mood, implying that something significant is about to happen.
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question icon What is the first line of The Great Gatsby?
Category: Literature Views 309
answer icon In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.
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question icon When did Gatsby go to war?
Category: Literature Views 364
answer icon in 1917, during World War I.
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question icon Where do the Earnshaws live?
Category: Literature Views 299
answer icon Wuthering Heights, a remote farmhouse on the Yorkshire moors.
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question icon Does Iago die in Othello?
Category: Literature Views 339
answer icon It is not explicitly stated, but it is presumed that Iago is taken into custody and will face punishment.
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question icon Which excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey best supports the conclusion that Odysseus is clever?
Category: Literature Views 514
answer icon His plan to escape from Polyphemus' cave by blinding the Cyclops and hiding under the rams. (Book 9, lines 366-566)
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question icon How was Linton taken to Wuthering Heights?
Category: Literature Views 264
answer icon Linton was brought to Wuthering Heights by Heathcliff and Nelly.
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question icon When does Pride and Prejudice take place?
Category: Literature Views 308
answer icon The late 18th and the early 19th century.
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question icon What does metamorphosis mean?
Category: Literature Views 271
answer icon A transformation or change.
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question icon What is the allusion in this passage?
Category: Literature Views 311
answer icon A reference to a person, place, or event from history or literature.
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question icon What incident serves to initiate the conflict in Hamlet?
Category: Literature Views 300
answer icon The murder of King Hamlet by his brother, Claudius.
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question icon What is Gatsby’s dream?
Category: Literature Views 318
answer icon To reunite with his former love, Daisy, and relive their past romance.
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question icon What advice was Elie given to pass the selection process?
Category: Literature Views 266
answer icon Elie was advised to pretend that he was older and stronger than he actually was.
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question icon When does Gawain leave Arthur’s court?
Category: Literature Views 337
answer icon On New Year's Day, after accepting the challenge of the Green Knight.
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question icon How does The Metamorphosis end?
Category: Literature Views 311
answer icon The protagonist dies, and his family feels a sense of relief and moves on with their lives.
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question icon What is Gatsby?
Category: Literature Views 276
answer icon A novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald and protagonist's last name.
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question icon What is Hamlet’s father’s name?
Category: Literature Views 448
answer icon King Hamlet.
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question icon What segment of society does Chaucer examine with the Pardoner?
Category: Literature Views 361
answer icon The corrupt Church and its practices.
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question icon What was Victor Frankenstein’s childhood like?
Category: Literature Views 303
answer icon Happy and privileged with a strong interest in natural philosophy.
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question icon What is Iago’s motivation?
Category: Literature Views 330
answer icon To seek revenge against Othello for promoting Cassio over him.
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question icon What does Eliezer mean?
Category: Literature Views 244
answer icon Eliezer means "my God is my help" in Hebrew.
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