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How does Squealer manipulate the animals so the pigs can better control them?

Category: Literature

Squealer, the silver-tongued pig in George Orwell's acclaimed novel Animal Farm, is recognized as the primary manipulator of the animals. In the novel, he serves as the propaganda minister of Snowball and Napoleon's regime, and his excellent verbal communication skills make him a critical tool of the pigs to maintain control over the rest of the farm animals. Through his persuasive techniques, Squealer manipulates the animals to shape their beliefs and actions in ways that serve the interests of the ruling pigs.Squealer employs the use of several manipulative techniques, including distortion of facts, misdirection, and appeal to emotions, to sway the animals toward the pigs.

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How does Squealer manipulate the animals so the pigs can better control them?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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