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How do Cathy and Linton get to know each other?

Category: Literature

Cathy and Linton's relationship begins when Cathy discovers the existence of Wuthering Heights, Linton's home. Having grown up in Thrushcross Grange, Cathy is fascinated by the mysterious house on the moors, and she becomes determined to find out more about it. She convinces her father, Edgar Linton, to take her on a walk across the moors to explore the house. When they arrive, Cathy meets Linton for the first time. He is frail and sickly, and his father, Heathcliff, is dismissive and hostile towards them. However, Cathy is undeterred by Heathcliff's rudeness, and she continues to visit Wuthering Heights.

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How do Cathy and Linton get to know each other?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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