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Why does Isabella Linton leave Heathcliff?

Category: Literature

In Emily Bronte's famous novel "Wuthering Heights," there are several complex relationships and intricate plotlines. The story centers around the intense and often turbulent relationship between the protagonists Heathcliff and Catherine, and their respective love interests Isabella and Edgar. Isabella Linton, the younger sister of Edgar, is one of the key characters in the novel, and her decision to leave Heathcliff is a significant moment in the story. Isabella Linton first meets Heathcliff when she is visiting Wuthering Heights to see her brother, Edgar. Despite Edgar's warnings about Heathcliff's reputation, she is fashinated by him. However, their relationship ends soon due to his abusive behaviour, when she decides to go.

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Why does Isabella Linton leave Heathcliff?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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