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Why are Lenina and Bernard attracted to and repelled by each other?

Category: Literature

Lenina and Bernard's attraction to and repulsion from each other in Aldous Huxley's novel can be analyzed through a critical lens of psychoanalytic theory. Their behaviors can be explained through Sigmund Freud's concept of the id, ego, and superego. Lenina can be seen as the embodiment of the id; impulsively driven by her desires and pleasure-seeking tendencies. She is a model citizen of the State, conditioned to always seek immediate gratification and to conform to societal norms. Bernard, on the other hand, displays characteristics of both the ego and superego. He has a sense of individuality, questioning the conformity of the State, and seeking recognition for his uniqueness. However, he is also haunted by the overwhelming burden of social expectations, resulting in his eventual downfall.

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Why are Lenina and Bernard attracted to and repelled by each other?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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