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How And Why Does Bacon's Inductive Method Differ From The Modern Scientific Method?

Category: Literature

Francis Bacon, an early modern philosopher and scientist, was one of the first to develop a method for conducting scientific inquiry, which he referred to as the inductive method. Although his method shares some similarities with the modern scientific method, there are also some significant differences in the way that Bacon approached scientific investigation. The main difference between Bacon's inductive method and the modern scientific method lies in their respective approaches to hypothesis generation and testing. In Bacon's method, the process of hypothesis generation begins with the observation of phenomena, which are then classified into various natural categories. The next step in the process is to identify patterns or regularities within these categories, which can then be used to develop hypotheses about the underlying causes or mechanisms that produce them.

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How And Why Does Bacon's Inductive Method Differ From The Modern Scientific Method?. (2023, May 29). Retrieved from

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