The Ecological Role of Pumas in Regulating Ecosystems.


Pumas (Puma concolor) are thought to perform a regulative perform in ecosystems by influencing prey and smaller predator behaviours and population abundances (Estes JA et,al. 2011, Ripple WJ, 2014). Presently, the wildcat is that the most widespread high predator and one in every of the foremost conflictive carnivores in Argentina (Donadio E 2 2010, Llanos R et.a.l 2016). Pumas were traditionally gift throughout Argentina. Because of its ecological malleability, this species is comparatively tolerant to a gradient of anthropogenically changed landscapes (Foster RJ, 2010, Quiroga VA 2016).

All the same, within the last 2 centuries, since the organization by Europeans, searching of untamed prey and intensive conversion of natural environs into ranchland and farmland have hyperbolic encroachment with humans and predation on eutherian (Walker S, Novaro A, 2010).

During this situation, pumas were listed as varmints for several years by a national law in Argentina (Ley Nacional No. 4863). Within the half of the last century, this feline was extirpated from most of geographical area and from giant parts of the geographic region (Parera A, 2000).

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additional recently, the advance of the agriculture frontier and ineligible searching have caused a decline in wildcat population numbers and distribution in northeastern Argentina (De Angelo C, Paviolo A, Di Bitetti M. 2011) and also the southern a part of national capital province (De Lucca ER, 2010, Caruso N. 2015), wherever presently its searching is against the law.

Eutherian depredation by pumas usually results in punitory responses by agro-pastoralists, as well as opposition to life sanctuaries, resistance to intro of extirpated predators in protected areas yet as direct wildcat maltreatment (Quiroga VA 2016, Graham K.

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You won’t be charged yet! 2016, Amit R. 2013, Pia MV, 2013) whose final consequence embody native population extinction (Pia MV. 2013, Hoogesteijn R, Hoogesteijn AL. 2014).

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Livestock depredation can communicate high losses to native livelihoods, notably in poor communities (Dickman A, Marchini S, Manfredo M. 2013, Sillero-Zubiri C, Laurenson MK. 2001, Thirgood S, Woodroffe R, Rabinowitz A. 2005). It's found that the 3 conflict between pumas and stock producers in central Argentina is very intense (Luengos Vidal E, Guerisoli M, Caruso N, Casanave E, Lucherini M. 2017) that ranchers respond by killing pumas at horrifying rates. Irrefutably, pumas caused a relatively great deal of losses and, regardless of depredation, were perceived by ranchers as a significant threat to their livelihoods. (Luengos Vidal E, Guerisoli M, Caruso N, Casanave E, Lucherini M. 2017).

Half the 100 sixty 5 stock producers interviewed inside the Argentinean province of Santa Cruz reported Felis concolor predation on their stock (Travaini A, Zapata SC, Martnez- Peck R, Delibes M. 2000). Although Felis concolor depredation was widespread inside the study area, poignant thirty 5.4-46.6% of ranches inside the two counties, the proportions of animals killed were token in bovine (0.061%) and 3.3-10.4% in sheep. To boot, even once exclusively the ranches filled with depredation have an inclination torus capsulate and if we have a tendency to assume that the losses weren't exaggerated by ranchers (Gipson PS, Ballard WB, Nowak RM. 1998, Fritts SH. 1982), the financial losses endured by the ranchers averaged 2134USD per ranch and year and were however 1000 USD in 75-76.5% of the cases.

This amount is maybe visiting represent a extremely large proportion of a family gain in some developing countries. However, as per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Argentina was 10332 USD in 2010 and a wonderful majority of the families filled with predation were really on top of the common level of monetary gain for this country, we have a tendency to are able to conclude that the injury inflicted by panther predation to regional eutherian trade was economically restricted. (World Bank for Reconstruction and Development Official information. 2016). On the other hand, it is important to ponder that some ranchers, typically small sheep farmers from Villarino county, carried a much better burden of the costs of depredation and knowledgeable levels of depredation thus high that they were ostensibly to be economically important( Schulz F, Printes RC, Oliveira LR. 2014).

As a results of analysis on risk perception indicates that people focus on outside events rather than the common (Lehmkuhler J, Palmquist G, Ruid D, Willging B, Wydeven A. 2007). This uneven distribution of depredation costs among ranchers may unduly influence their intolerance for predators, with negative effects on carnivore conservation as, it completely was reported for wolves (Naughton-Treves L, Grossberg R, Treves A. 2003, Gazzola A 2007, Muhly TB, Musiani M. 2009).

Although panther preference for sheep and goats is probably a significant reason of unequal distribution of mammal losses among ranchers, we've got an inclination to to boot found a strong county-related variation throughout this preference. (Soto-Shoender JR, Giuliano WM. 2011, Zarco-Gonzlez MM, Monroy-Vilchis O, Alanz J. 2013) although most of the predation sites have an inclination to inspected were in proximity of forest patches and far from homes, the tendency to didn't notice any results of distances from dense vegetation and houses on the intensity of depredation by panther. (Caruso N. 2015, tenor N 2015) but, the frequency of panther attacks was larger than expected in patches of croplands and piece of lands with shrubs as a results of piece of ground with shrubs was the surround most popular by pumas inside the identical study area (Caruso N. 2015, tenor N 2015). This result's in agreement with the hypothesis that the distribution of panther surround would largely justify sheep predation risk (Daniel Kissling W, Fernndez N, Paruelo JM. 2009, Torres SG. 1996, Tortato FR. 2015)

Conflict Mitigation

Although the result of nocturnal enclosures on catamount predation seems contradictory, the knowledge from interviews and kill web site inspections indicate that corralling sheep at the hours of darkness might cut back the extent of depredation by pumas.( Mazzolli M, Graipel ME, Dunstone N. 2002, Schulz F, Printes RC, Oliveira LR. 2014). Pumas have nocturnal habits and their depredation targeted at night-time in our study space which freely grazing stock is especially liable to searching (Mazzolli M, Graipel ME, Dunstone N. 2002, Zarco-Gonzlez MM, Monroy-Vilchis O, Rodrguez-Soto C, Urios V. 2012).

The reduction in losses that tend to found in ranches that used nocturnal enclosures supports the conclusions of different studies in geographical region (Soto- Shoender JR, Giuliano WM. 2011, Zarco-Gonzlez MM, Monroy-Vilchis O, Alanz J. 2013, Polisar J. 2003, Crawshaw PG. 2004) that stock management, specifically nocturnal corralling, ought to prove effective to alleviate depredation by catamount, particularly if corrals are properly designed and designed. (Soto-Shoender JR, Giuliano WM. 2011, Zarco-Gonzlez MM, Monroy-Vilchis O, Alanz J. 2013, Polisar J. 2003, Crawshaw PG. 2004).

Approval of killing predators is predicted to extend once predators survive personal properties, as in our study, and once social norms or beliefs reinforce predator killing as a social sensible (Treves A, Bruskotter JT. 2014, Treves A 1999., Marchini S, Macdonald DW. 2012). In the study space, ranchers oftentimes mentioned environmental condition of rural areas as a serious reason behind increasing conflicts with carnivores (Luengos Vidal E 2017). Whereas catamount killing is against the law in our study space as within the remainder of capital of Argentina province, since 1995 a bounty system is into mitigate catamount depredation within the neighbour province of urban center Negro and in 2 extra Patagonian provinces.

These bounties are tidy by Argentinean economic standards, particularly for low-paid ranch staff, and up to 2000 catamount bounties are paid each year in these 3 provinces (Walker S, Novaro A. 2010). In spite of this very sizable amount of pumas killed, complaints concerning catamount predation on stock continue and catamount attacks are still thought-about a serious reason behind stock loss in Patagonia (Llanos R, Travaini A, Montanelli S, Crespo E. 2014).

Though the result of catamount management on the stock trade has ne'er been studied, the extent to that carnivore removal reduces predation losses remains equivocal (Berger KM. 2006), many studies have shown that increasing efforts to manage predator populations failed to turn out reductions in stock depredation (Graham K, Beckerman AP, Thirgood S. 2005, Berger KM. 2006). Though our mortality estimates are crude and may be treated with caution, they indicate that way more pumas were killed by ranchers in the study space than those lawfully removed by the bounty system within the Patagonian provinces (Walker S, Novaro A. 2010).


Though the damage cause by predators have high costs, the rate of killing predator should be more reduced especially for puma as it is not the only predator. Puma have prey predator connections with omnivores that is in their biological trait. Thus, puma should not be blamed of doing its natural activity but actions should be taken on increasing the safety of the livestock.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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