Professional Athletes Are Overpaid Or Not

Categories: Athletes

“Downset hut” are the only three words some athletes are getting paid to say. They receive ridiculous amounts of money just because they can say three words and because they were given size. if it wasn’t for those two things where would they be at right now a cubicle in an office, a garbage truck, or maybe a school teacher? Athletes do not deserve to be paid nine-figure salaries for throwing a ball to another person. For the few

All athletes are overpaid, considering their job is to play games.

The team owners should be given a max amount they are allowed to pay their players by the commissioner of the association they participate in. The maximum amount the owners should be allowed to pay should be around $100,000 a year. If that amount is not enough for the athlete and his/her family to survive, they should find a job in the offseason and try to improve the working class with their skills.

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Athletes are living a great luxury life in a 10,000 square foot house because they were gifted with extra height and a little bit more strength while homeless people are living a ten-ten cardboard box. Some might say there are homeless shelters for them to go to, but they may not always be clean or they may not always have room. So with athletes making less, that gives the government more money to give back to the community, instead of giving it to one person, so they can build more shelters or add to the shelters to fit more people.

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Floyd Mayweather receives a total income of $280 million a year for delivering punches to someone's brain. The average orthopedic surgeon makes around $520,000 a year. Meaning Mayweather makes over 500 times what a surgeon does when one is saving lives and the other is shortening them. A surgeon is putting his/her life on the line every time they operate because, if that makes one wrong move they could have their medical license taken away leaving them unemployed.

According to a Forbes article, there are over 5000 professional athletes in the United States alone and have enough money to spend on anything they want. An article online specifically states “ there are over 550,000 homeless people” just in America, with no money, no food, and surviving off of whatever they can find. The Huffington post states the average professional athlete makes around $1 million mean if every pro-athlete in the United States were to donate half of his/her salary to the homeless there would be enough money to give each person around $4500.

Every athlete has an income that is too much for such an easy job. Athletes are being given too much money and taking too much from the community. Not everyone is given talent so some may have to work harder than others, therefore making people want to break down and give up in life. So giving athletes less money will make others not want to pursue such a difficult dream thus giving people jobs, families, and a reason to live. 

Works cited

  1. Brooks, R. (2019). The high cost of professional athletes' salaries. Forbes. Retrieved from
  2. Carrington, D. (2022). Why are professional athletes paid so much? The Balance Careers. Retrieved from
  3. Fischer, M. (2021). Professional athlete salaries and income: Past, present, and future. ThoughtCo. Retrieved from
  4. Harrington, B. (2021). Average homeless population in the United States. World Population Review. Retrieved from
  5. Mayweather, F. (n.d.). In Retrieved from
  6. Smith, D. (2019). Are professional athletes overpaid? Money Crashers. Retrieved from
  7. The High Cost of Professional Athletes' Salaries." (2019). Fox News. Retrieved from
Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Professional Athletes Are Overpaid Or Not. (2024, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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