Problems Encountered by Irregular Students

Introduction to the Study

Students encounters many and different problems during their school years. These problems vary differently during their study years. It could be as simple as missing a homework or getting late in class. Or it could be as severe as getting dropped in a certain subject or worse failed the subject. Several of these problems occurs which results for a student to have an irregular status in school. Irregular students are those who have enrolled subjects that are different from regular students.

They tend to have a different class schedule compared to regular students.

This could mean that they have to cope-up with the time and classmates they would encounter in every class which could give more peer pressure for them. It is not easy for irregular students to have a very complicated class schedule just to enroll subjects they need and to be with different type of people in every class. For some students, it would be difficult to approach new faces in every class and it would be tiring to have a busy class schedule with hardly any vacant time in between class period.

Irregular students often encounter many problems on their academic subjects.

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The quality of problem can be labeled as severe to a simple type of problem encountered. Failing grades or being dropped in a particular subject can be considered to be a severe problem academically by an irregular student. Having a complicated or conflict class schedule can be considered as a simple problem encountered.

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This study deals with the problems encountered by irregular students on their academic subjects. This study is to be conducted based on the belief that there is a need for both faculty members and irregular students to be aware of the problems and consequences encountered in their academic subjects.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine Problems Encountered by Irregular Students on their Academic Subjects. Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions.

What are the problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects? 2. What are the severe problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects? 3. What are the simple problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects? 4. Is there a significant difference in the quality of problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects?


There is no significant difference in the quality of problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects.

Significance of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following:

First, the result of this study would be of great help to the JBLFMU-Molo Administration for it will provide data base in the information regarding on the problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects. Second, the result would help the irregular students of JBLFMU-Molo by being aware and avoid the problems that will be encountered in their academic subjects. Finally, the result would help the faculty members of JBLFMU-Molo in order for them to be aware and accommodate the problems encountered by the irregular students in their academic subjects.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the terms used in this study, the following keys were conceptually and operationally defined: Irregular Student -- is one who is unable to follow the subject sequence of the subjects outlined in the program curriculum, due to reasons of failure, dropping, leave of absence, and/or shifting. The program may or may not be finished within the immediate prescribed number of semesters/years. ( In this study, student referred to the irregular students who enrolled in JBLFMU- Molo, Inc. Problem -- something that is difficult to deal with or something that is a source of trouble, worry, etc. ( In this study, the problem referred to are the things or situations encountered by irregular students encountered regarding with their academic subjects. Academics -- courses of study taken at a school or college.

Irregular Students - Time spent at college

Time spent at college is fond memory and happy experience for most, college life is not without its rough patches and problems. While each person’s are unique to their current circumstances, I know that there are few problems that almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school. Academic performance really means three things: this means the ability to study and remember facts, it also means being able to think in relation to facts and thirdly, further means being able to communicate one’s knowledge verbally or practically. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In the society of university, students form their own interpersonal relations with their fellow students. They discuss commonalities and bond until they form sense of trust in each other. There are students who had given full load of subjects that a student in the specific year and semester. These students are called regular students. Every students in the block aims to pass every class, and some may even aim to pass with high marks, but not every student in the block can achieve this goal. Failure in a subjects or more require/s to repeat the course either in the summer or the following year.

These students are called irregular students, but not all regular students became irregular students because they failed a subject or more. Some students became irregular because they are shifters from another college, course or university and their units are credited by the college, course or university they transferred from. Some students became irregular by dropping subjects which they will have to take again sometime, and many other reasons. Wordreference. com. In this research irregular students are classified into boarders and no boarders. This research involves a number of students related in a certain relation.

It is at this precise that the researchers would like to study on the problems encountered by Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering irregular students of University of Antique. Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aimed to determine the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique. Specifically this study sought answer on the following questions: 1. What are the common problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique as whole and when classified into type of residence?

2. Is there a significant difference on the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students when classified as to type of residence? HYPOTHESIS Based on the aforementioned problem, this hypothesis was tested. 1. There is no significant difference on the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students when classified as to type of residence? Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Irregular students are those who may have difficulties or problems in their given subjects. Those problems may be defined or given, but needs further explanation.

The researchers conceptualize that the type of residence affects the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique. This is shown in the figure 1 below: IV DV TYPES OF RESIDENCE *BOARDERS *NO BOARDERS PROBLEMS OF BSMAR-E IRREGULA STUDENTS Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique SCOPE AND LIMITATION The scope and limitation of this research leans on the problems encountered by irregular students in Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering of University of Antique. This research is also a glimpse of the advantage and

this advantage of being irregular students. The study was conducted on the month of October 2013. Irregular students of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering of University of Antique are the respondents. They are classified into type of residence. Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY CMS Department. The result of the study will enable the college of maritime study to know what are the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students. They can improve the quality education to be rendered for all students especially in irregulars. Instructors.

Instructors will benefits most from the result of the study by knowing the difficulties of irregular BSMAR-E students. Regarding this problem, they will able to understand the situation of being an irregular student. This may help them made positive impression for irregular students. Researchers. The result of the study will enable the researchers to explore their learning’s about the irregular students of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering, particularly on the problems they are facing on. This study will serve as a guide to the researchers in their studies, to help them not to become irregular student.

Students. The result of the study will enable the student to impart knowledge, to enlighten about the situation of irregular students and to tackle on the main problems they encountered. This study will give clear understanding and awareness to all students. Parents. Parents will benefit most from the result of the study by knowing what type of student does his/her son belong. They can give guidance in the studies his/her son and help to became productive citizen of the community. Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique DEFINITION OF TERMS

For clarity and better understanding on the parts of the researchers, the following terms were both conceptually and operationally defined on the context of the study. Problem encountered. A used in the study, it refers to the difficulties encountered by the BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique. It means unexpectedly and need to be resolved. Irregular Students. They are misunderstood people; some think they do not have high regard for their education, like they just think of it as a free gift given to all. Irregular students are those who skip year levels, depending on the subject they failed.

They do not have permanent block and a given schedule. They handle their own time and fix their desired schedule on their own that suites his/her preferences. Epistolario; 23 November 2008. As used in the study, it refers to the students which are the main focus of the study. Residence. Residence means the place, especially the house, in which a person lives or resides; the act of living or staying in a specified place while performing official duties, carrying on studies, or research, etc. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki. As used in the study, it refers to the place of living of the respondents, such as boarders and no boarders.

Boarders. They are those who stay away from home, they pay a rental to the owner of the house where they stay. As used in the study, it refers to the type of residence of the respondents. No Boarders. They are who stayed on their own home for free. As used in the study, it refers to another type of residence of the respondents. They are those who traveled from their home to school. BSMAR-E. It is a program that provides knowledge and skills to students on the fundamentals of the operation of the ships main engine, adjunct and auxiliary machinery and the safe operation and maintenance of the ships electrical and refrigeration machines.

As used in the study, it refers to the course of the students which is the main focus of the study. Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique INTRODUCTION Time spent at college is fond memory and happy experience for most, college life is not without its rough patches and problems. While each person’s are unique to their current circumstances, I know that there are few problems that almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school.

Academic performance really means three things: this means the ability to study and remember facts, it also means being able to think in relation to facts and thirdly, further means being able to communicate one’s knowledge verbally or practically. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the society of university, students form their own interpersonal relations with their fellow students. They discuss commonalities and bond until they form sense of trust in each other. There are students who had given full load of subjects that a student in the specific year and semester. These students are called regular students.

Every students in the block aims to pass every class, and some may even aim to pass with high marks, but not every student in the block can achieve this goal. Failure in a subjects or more require/s to repeat the course either in the summer or the following year. These students are called irregular students, but not all regular students became irregular students because they failed a subject or more. Some students became irregular because they are shifters from another college, course or university and their units are credited by the college, course or university they transferred from.

Some students became irregular by dropping subjects which they will have to take again sometime, and many other reasons. Wordreference. com. In this research irregular students are classified into boarders and no boarders. This research involves a number of students related in a certain relation. It is at this precise that the researchers would like to study on the problems encountered by Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering irregular students of University of Antique. Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.

This study aimed to determine the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique. Specifically this study sought answer on the following questions: 1. What are the common problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique as whole and when classified into type of residence? 2. Is there a significant difference on the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students when classified as to type of residence? HYPOTHESIS Based on the aforementioned problem, this hypothesis was tested. 1.

There is no significant difference on the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students when classified as to type of residence? Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Irregular students are those who may have difficulties or problems in their given subjects. Those problems may be defined or given, but needs further explanation. The researchers conceptualize that the type of residence affects the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique. This is shown in the figure 1 below: IV DV TYPES OF RESIDENCE *BOARDERS.

*NO BOARDERS PROBLEMS OF BSMAR-E IRREGULA STUDENTS Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique SCOPE AND LIMITATION The scope and limitation of this research leans on the problems encountered by irregular students in Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering of University of Antique. This research is also a glimpse of the advantage and this advantage of being irregular students. The study was conducted on the month of October 2013. Irregular students of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering of University of Antique are the respondents. They are classified into type of residence.

Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY CMS Department. The result of the study will enable the college of maritime study to know what are the problems encountered by BSMAR-E irregular students. They can improve the quality education to be rendered for all students especially in irregulars. Instructors. Instructors will benefits most from the result of the study by knowing the difficulties of irregular BSMAR-E students. Regarding this problem, they will able to understand the situation of being an irregular student.

This may help them made positive impression for irregular students. Researchers. The result of the study will enable the researchers to explore their learning’s about the irregular students of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering, particularly on the problems they are facing on. This study will serve as a guide to the researchers in their studies, to help them not to become irregular student. Students. The result of the study will enable the student to impart knowledge, to enlighten about the situation of irregular students and to tackle on the main problems they encountered.

This study will give clear understanding and awareness to all students. Parents. Parents will benefit most from the result of the study by knowing what type of student does his/her son belong. They can give guidance in the studies his/her son and help to became productive citizen of the community. Title: Problems Encountered by Irregular BSMAR-E Students of University of Antique DEFINITION OF TERMS For clarity and better understanding on the parts of the researchers, the following terms were both conceptually and operationally defined on the context of the study. Problem encountered.

A used in the study, it refers to the difficulties encountered by the BSMAR-E irregular students of University of Antique. It means unexpectedly and need to be resolved. Irregular Students. They are misunderstood people; some think they do not have high regard for their education, like they just think of it as a free gift given to all. Irregular students are those who skip year levels, depending on the subject they failed. They do not have permanent block and a given schedule. They handle their own time and fix their desired schedule on their own that suites his/her preferences.

Epistolario; 23 November 2008. As used in the study, it refers to the students which are the main focus of the study. Residence. Residence means the place, especially the house, in which a person lives or resides; the act of living or staying in a specified place while performing official duties, carrying on studies, or research, etc. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki. As used in the study, it refers to the place of living of the respondents, such as boarders and no boarders. Boarders. They are those who stay away from home, they pay a rental to the owner of the house where they stay.

As used in the study, it refers to the type of residence of the respondents. No Boarders. They are who stayed on their own home for free. As used in the study, it refers to another type of residence of the respondents. They are those who traveled from their home to school. BSMAR-E. It is a program that provides knowledge and skills to students on the fundamentals of the operation of the ships main engine, adjunct and auxiliary machinery and the safe operation and maintenance of the ships electrical and refrigeration machines. As used in the study, it refers to the course of the students which is the main focus of the study.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Problems Encountered by Irregular Students essay
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