Problems And Solutions Of Teenager's Gangsterism


Teenagers' involvement in illegal social vices such as drug abuse, truancy, theft, arson, and gangsterism to name a few are becoming common problems among the youth today.

Today living in kaleidoscopic Malaysia, teenagers still have problems. Teenagers are teenagers. They cannot handle their problems themselves. They have no backbone to face the problems in their life.

Problems and Solutions

Problem 1: The problem that teenagers face today is coming from their homes. Their home is full of stress. Parents are always squabbling about something.

Their siblings also make a bicker. This can make teenagers feel so uneasy. The uneasy feeling makes teenagers unable to focus on their studies. Their results go down badly and they feel moody every day.

Solution 1: Parents and siblings at home must take action quickly so that this problem can be solved. Parents are a person who understands their child, always asked them about their day, the problems, good news or bad news because teenagers need attention.

Problem 2: Teenagers have a bad attitude that they easily get negative influence from their friends.

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When they have friends, they might follow their friends' attitudes. If they have a good friend, it would be nice but if they have a bad friend, it would change their attitude to become mischievous teenagers.

Solution 2: We should tell teenagers to choose their friends wisely. Do not influence by their bad influence or will be just like them. Friends can have a major influence on how you think, feel, and behave. They should look for friends that have good qualities and seek out new friends that are positive and supportive.

Problem 3: Teenagers today love to do bad things.

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If we ask them the reason why they like to do those things, some teenagers may reply that they feel ecstatic doing a bad job that disturbs somebody else. It does not give any advantages if they still do the bad thing. Usually, they are involved in vandalism and gangsterism.

Solution 3: Through education, treatment, and affection, prevention of criminal acts reaches juveniles and assists them into a healthier and better life. To be able to use these components at the earliest stage possible is to keep these teenagers away from ever entering the juvenile justice system in the first place.


As a result, the problems that burden teenagers can be solved or later. Parents including friends and the community must see eye to eye to lend their hands to the teenagers to solve the problems. Teenagers who are free from problems and stress can focus a hundred percent on their studies. Teenagers are the future of Malaysia. 

Works cited

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Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Problems And Solutions Of Teenager's Gangsterism. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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