Private Sector and Public Sector in Childcare

Categories: Taxation

To define a private sector, it’s easy to say that it operates outside the bounds of government control and receives funding only from patients and their insurance policies. This is because a private sector is the piece of the economy that is made up of care businesses, such as private hospitals. Private sector offers alternatives to government-run public health care system. Private sectors are most popular in the UK because people in the UK go to high street pharmacist and nurseries, and self-employed care practitioners, such as child-minders, counsellors and osteopaths.

Advantages of private sector is they are owned by private companies and therefore are seen to be cheaper to operate. Private sector have more control in terms of wages and costing of the service. However, there are disadvantages to private sector; if the company does not make money than it might have to back by the taxpayers.

A public sector is generally composed of organisations that are owned and operated by the government.

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This includes national, local, state-run, or community governments, depending on where you live. Privacy legislation usually calls organisations in the public sector a public body or a public authority. Advantages of public sectors is that public control the services and therefore the profit margins are kept low. The costs of using public sectors are covered from the taxpayer therefore people are unlikely to go to debt. The government directly controls public sectors, therefore public sectors cannot be used inappropriately. However, there are disadvantages like the money that is used comes from the taxpayers, therefore there would be a limitations of money to spend on certain things so won’t be valued.

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The obvious difference between public and private sectors is that public sector are usually within a government agency, whilst private sector are those where employees are working for non-governmental agencies.

Social services

Social services have a statutory commitment to protect and advance the welfare of defenceless children and can give an extensive variety of services to children and their guardians, ordinarily inside the own home surroundings and co-ordinated by a social specialist. Families frequently feel on edge at the possibility of social services' inclusion as a result of encounters they may have gotten notification from others, or only on the grounds that they are terrified that social labourers will expel their children from the family home.

These reasons for alarm are characteristic yet a child might be evacuated if there is clear proof that they are in danger of huge damage, and there is a court arrange set up as well. There are diverse divisions in social services to bolster fluctuating needs. There is a grown-up social services office, which gives services to grownups or the elderly for physical and learning inabilities. On the off chance that a kid is caring for a guardian with a handicap, they may be alluded to as a 'youthful carer' and there may be exceptional procurements set up to help these cases. Regularly, social nurture grown-ups who have a maladjustment or a fixation are given by an emotional well-being trust.


A childminder is someone that works with children for more than two hours a day in their own home for a reward, childminder’s register with Ofsted to grantee a child’s safety. An example of a childminder is someone who would drive children in their cars, they would have to have a public liability insurance. Childminder don’t work home to look after children because all childminders are regularly monitored by Ofsted, and often by their local authority, and must by law. Parents are always informed about how they can make a complaint against a childminder if they suspect something happening to their children. Childminders charge an average of £3.84 per child per hour. Childminders are self-employed, so no tax is included in the fee.


KOOSA holds holiday activity for children 3-5 year olds, so every child participating in the activities would be a meeting their social, intellectual, emotional and physical needs. The child would feel accepted so would have confidence when performing an activity because their self-esteem and self-concept would increase due to being praised and encouraged by staff. The child social needs would be meet due to them interacting with new people in the same life stage as themselves so they would be building a friendship with other children.

There are breakfast clubs offered to the children to contribute to the children physical needs because eating breakfast is very important meal to start your day. There are activities contributing to a child’s physical need like running and fitness activity which would help children become healthier. Intellectual needs are helped by having competitions between the children where they would challenge each other in board games or something complex. In general, KOOSA meets the needs of children by offering activities during the holiday.

Voluntary Sector

The voluntary sector or community sector, likewise non-benefit sector or "not-for-benefit" sector, is the obligation of social action attempted by organizations that are not for-profit and non-legislative. This sector is likewise called the third sector, rather than the public sector and the private sector. City sector or social sector are different terms for the sector, accentuating its relationship to common society. Given the differences of organizations that involve the sector, Peter Frumkin favours "non-beneficial and voluntary sector". The there is nobody watertight meaning of the voluntary sector. It is a term used to depict those associations that attention on more extensive open advantage instead of statutory administration conveyance or benefit.

They are otherwise called Third Sector or not revenue driven associations. The term Civil Society is as of now picking up footing. The voluntary sector has numerous measurements. Enlisted charities are presumably the biggest single class, and incorporate a portion of the best known voluntary associations in the UK however the sector additionally incorporates little casual group bunches, for instance various neighbourhood occupants getting together to clear litter from open spaces; not-for- benefit group business or group interest organizations and credit unions. Most voluntary associations of any size will likewise have a paid staff of lasting representatives.

Mother and Toddler

Mother and toddler group help children and parents socialise with other people that are similar to what they are going through. They would be interacting others in the group by doing activities. This would help the child to build a friendship with other children in the same life stage. Their emotional need would be met by the child feeling different range of emotion; they would be overwhelmed with joy, happiness, and excitement. The child would feel proud if they were praised by their mother or the instructor.

The intellectual need of a child would be fulfilled by the child learning a new surrounding and the new activities taught to them, for example nursery rhythms. This would also increase the amount of words children know, increase on their vocabulary. The child’s physical need would be fulfilled by contributing to the activities such as tag. There are a wide range of mother and toddler groups in the UK who contribute to a child’s emotional, physical, social and intellectual development.

Toy Library

A toy library provides resources for play, trained staff and dedicated space. Toy library can be functioned by individuals, charitable organisations, local, regional or national governments or any other such agency or group. Toy libraries that are run by charities or government institutions mostly offer a free service or there may be a minimal charge. Those run by individuals may charge a fee. This lets children have the chance to play with the provided by the library.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Private Sector and Public Sector in Childcare. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Private Sector and Public Sector in Childcare essay
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