Political Issues

Categories: Politics

Political and Social Apathy, there are two faces of apathy. The first considers apathy as a choice and participation in public life a consequence of one's affirmative use of freedom. The second face of apathy arises when citizens are led to believe that their personal needs are not part of the political agenda, resulting into political deprivation and the reaffirmation of the status quo.

Philippines political and social life is marked by the second kind of apathy, which might also arise from the belief that individuals are powerless and hopeless in making significant changes in their lives.

For this reason, the paper would like to awaken reflection on apathy in the personal and public spheres and to outline ways by which the individual can move towards sympathy. It is the intention of this paper to show contemporary Filipinos can find his passion again in order to move out of apathy.

The paper will explain the rationale behind the development of the Philippines social and political issues.

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The Philippines is faced with a number of issues that concern our organization. We are passionate about raising awareness of these issues, and developing grass-roots solutions. Poverty, unemployment and environmental legislation are the major issues facing the country, and these problems have resulted in a large number of Filipinos moving overseas for work. We believe social entrepreneurship can help address some of the issues facing the Philippines at the moment.

Read more: Political Issues in the Philippines Essay

Updated: Sep 11, 2020
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Political Issues. (2016, Oct 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/political-issues-essay

Political Issues essay
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