Photosynthesis Process in Plants

What happens to carbon atom during photosynthesis?(Light dependent reactions) ·Light depended reactions occur inside the thylakoids. When the chlorophyll molecules absorb sunlight they give off high energy electrons. They move through a series of electron carrier proteins called electron transport chains in the thylakoid membrane. The proteins in the electron transport chain use the energy to pump hydrogen ions into the thylakoid from the surrounding stroma. The stroma is the gel like fluid inside the chloroplast. The hydrogen ions pumped in from the stroma build up within thylakoid space.

This gives the thylakoid a higher concentration of hydrogen ions. Then through diffusion the molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration, the hydrogen ions move back to the stroma through a protein channel called ATP synthase then it bond a phosphate group to an ADP molecule to form ATP. Then it goes on to the next phase of photosynthesis.

What happens to carbon atom during photosynthesis?(Light independent reactions) ·Light independent reactions can also be called the Calvin cycle.

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·The light independent reactions in photosynthesis uses six molecules of carbon dioxide to produce a single six-carbon glucose molecule. ·ATP and NADPH produced during the light dependent reactions which provide the energy needed for the light independent reactions to occur. ·The light dependent and independent reactions work together during photosynthesis. The light dependent reactions trap the energy from the sunlight to form ATP and NADPH molecules, giving off oxygen gas. The light independent reactions use that chemical energy and carbon dioxide to build stable long-term energy storage molecules like glucose and other carbohydrates.

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What happens to carbon atom during transitioning between photosynthesis and respiration? ·Photosynthesis and respiration work together in order to gather energy from sunlight and turn it into chemical molecules and break down those molecules to power the growth, movement and functions of all organisms and their cells. Photosynthesis converts solar energy to stored chemical energy , and cellular respiration coverts that stored chemical energy to ATP, an energy molecule used directly by the cell.

What happens to the carbon atom during cellular respiration or fermentation? ·During respiration the stored chemical energy gets changed into ATP. Photosynthesis removes the carbon dioxide and releases the oxygen.

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Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Photosynthesis Process in Plants. (2021, Jul 20). Retrieved from

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