Philosophy of Education and Teaching


Background: The creation of a philosophy as the educational framework requires self-determination, which includes the rational deliberation concerning social values, and in turn, the imperatives of justice that inform the purposes and practices of education. The purpose of the study is to assess teachers in one of the schools in North II District on their personal philosophy of education and on what philosophical approaches commonly used in their teaching practice. The researcher focused on these five philosophical approaches are Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, Social Reconstructionism and Existentialism in determining the approaches used in each teacher.

Findings: My experiences as a public teacher and teaching primary for several years have left me with no doubt to think that several teachers get into the teaching profession with little or no consciously well-articulated or sound educational philosophy, and thus lack the foundation likely to help them examine what they do, recapture the meaning of their profession, and guide them and their students toward greater learning outcomes.

Hence, formulating a personal educational philosophy is important for all teachers.

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It is my hope that in presenting the meaning of philosophy of education together with highlighting its inherent underpinning force needed for effective educational philosophy and in analyzing the processes involved in personalizing it, teachers and educators everywhere gain insight into and will be better guided in the exciting and challenging task of assessing their own educational philosophy. It was also found out that majority of teacher's respondents are Progressivist, they are focused on the believes that 'learning through living' by John Dewey and promotes a child-centered education.

Conclusion: The main conclusion of the conducted research is the proof that philosophy of education in its new interpretation is not only theoretical understanding of foundations and manifestations of educational process, but also practice, direct implementation of educational theoretical groundwork in everyday life.

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Using historical and philosophical analysis, the researcher showed that philosophy of education implements adopted philosophical (world view) paradigms in various teaching practices.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Philosophy of Education and Teaching. (2020, May 24). Retrieved from

Philosophy of Education and Teaching essay
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