Enhancing Job Satisfaction at Perfect Pizzeria


Job satisfaction is undeniably a cornerstone for corporate success, exerting a profound impact on employee motivation and overall organizational performance. The prevailing dissatisfaction among Perfect Pizzeria employees signals a need for strategic interventions to address this issue comprehensively. This essay delves into the application of the expectancy theory as a pivotal framework to enhance job satisfaction and overall employee motivation at Perfect Pizzeria.

Expectancy Theory and Its Application

The expectancy theory, a well-established motivational framework, posits that employees are more likely to be motivated when they believe that their efforts will lead to successful performance and desired outcomes (McShane and Travaglione, 2007, p146).

Within the context of Perfect Pizzeria, a closer examination of two vital components—effort-to-performance (E-to-P) expectancy and performance-to-outcome (P-to-O) expectancy—reveals areas in need of improvement.

Effort-to-Performance Expectancy (E-to-P)

The E-to-P expectancy revolves around the fundamental belief that increased effort will inevitably result in enhanced performance. The current absence of systematic hiring criteria and inadequate formal training for managers compromises their ability to perform effectively.

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This situation is further exacerbated by unclear role perceptions for night managers and assistant managers, contributing to a palpable reduction in overall efficiency. A strategic remedy involves meticulous selection of individuals possessing the requisite skills for each position, coupled with clear and transparent communication of job responsibilities. Additionally, managers should provide unwavering support to foster a harmonious work environment, reinforcing employees' confidence in their ability to fulfill their tasks successfully.

Performance-to-Outcome Expectancy (P-to-O)

The P-to-O expectancy underscores the belief that performance at a certain level will lead to desired outcomes.

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At present, Perfect Pizzeria employees receive minimal wages irrespective of their performance, while managers are rewarded based on unsold or damaged food percentages—a metric inadequately correlated with individual performance. To instill the belief that commendable performance yields valued outcomes, the company should institute transparent reward processes, explicitly communicate the link between performance and outcomes, and implement precise measures of job performance.

Outcome Valence (V)

The outcome valence, representing the significance individuals attribute to expected outcomes, becomes crucial in the context of employee motivation. Employees at Perfect Pizzeria, primarily motivated by financial considerations and a desire for equitable treatment, currently face deprivation in these aspects. To rectify this, the company should introduce performance-based bonuses, thereby fostering fairness and aligning outcomes with the expectations of the workforce.

The MARS Model of Individual Behavior

The MARS model delineates four factors—motivation, ability, role perceptions, and situational factors—that exert influence on employee behavior (McShane and Travaglione, 2007, p36). Addressing these factors becomes imperative for a comprehensive understanding and improvement of current employee performance at Perfect Pizzeria.


The existing inequality in reward distribution poses a substantial threat to overall employee motivation. The Equity theory, a foundational principle in organizational psychology, emphasizes the crucial role of perceived fairness in employee outcomes relative to inputs. To address under-reward inequity, Perfect Pizzeria should engage employees in organizational citizenship by transitioning qualified workers to full-time positions. Simultaneously, the company should institute a competency-based reward system, ensuring that outstanding competence is duly rewarded with increased pay, thereby reinforcing positive behavior through the mechanism of positive reinforcement. Furthermore, instead of the current percentage-based bonus scheme for managers, the company should adopt a performance-based and qualification-oriented reward system. This would not only align with principles of equity but also promote a harmonious work environment, where both managers and employees perceive the reward system as just and equitable.


The current mismatch between individual competencies and job requirements poses a significant hurdle to employee performance at Perfect Pizzeria. Strategically selecting employees based on existing competencies that align with job tasks becomes imperative. Additionally, the company should embark on a journey to enhance the capabilities of college-qualified employees through a systematic job design. This could involve providing opportunities for these employees to engage in challenging tasks, enabling them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. Job rotation, a proven strategy for skill development, should be actively implemented, allowing employees to move seamlessly between different roles and acquire a multifaceted skill set. This approach not only contributes to enhanced job satisfaction but also aligns individual competencies with organizational needs, thereby fostering a symbiotic relationship.

Role Perceptions

The clarity of role perceptions plays a pivotal role in shaping employee behavior and performance. Goal setting, as a dominant process in establishing role perceptions, can be wielded effectively at Perfect Pizzeria. Specific and relevant objectives need to be set, ensuring that employees understand their roles and the expectations tied to them. For instance, night managers should have specific responsibilities related to controlling evening operations and accurately reporting employee mistakes and burned pizza. The specificity and relevance of these goals not only provide clear guidelines for employees but also foster a sense of commitment. This commitment, in turn, aligns with the E-to-P expectancy, where a strong belief in goal achievability enhances overall commitment among night managers.

Organizational Commitment

Tension between managers and employees is a significant impediment to overall performance. Building organizational commitment emerges as a potent strategy to alleviate this tension. Managers should adopt an approach of fairness and support, providing employees with tangible benefits such as free pizzas, salads, or drinks. This approach fosters affective commitment, where employees feel a sense of obligation to the organization due to the positive experiences they derive. Additionally, trust-building measures, such as abolishing the use of lie detectors, are crucial in establishing a foundation of trust between leaders and employees. Employees are more likely to stay committed and motivated when they trust their leaders. Therefore, fostering high levels of affective commitment not only reduces turnover but also contributes to heightened work motivation and increased job satisfaction.


In conclusion, the multifaceted approach outlined above is imperative to address job satisfaction comprehensively at Perfect Pizzeria. By applying the expectancy theory and the MARS model, the company can strategically enhance motivation, align competencies with job requirements, clarify role perceptions, and build organizational commitment. Implementing these measures will not only improve job satisfaction but also contribute significantly to overall corporate success, fostering a positive and thriving work environment at Perfect Pizzeria.

Updated: Jan 21, 2024
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Enhancing Job Satisfaction at Perfect Pizzeria. (2016, Aug 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/perfect-pizzeria-case-study-essay

Enhancing Job Satisfaction at Perfect Pizzeria essay
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