Overview Of Memory Management And Paging Computer Science Essay

Memory direction is accountable for delegating memory to procedures and protecting the memory assigned to each procedure from unwanted entree by other procedures. Memory direction is a design and the procedure of forming and commanding the usage of memory in a computing machine system ; that is, protecting the memory allocated to the operating system from unauthorised entree.

Memory direction is divided into three parts, which are

Memory direction hardware

Operating system memory direction

Application memory direction

The memory direction hardware is consisted of an electronics device that shops the informations into a computing machine.

These devices include the RAM, memory caches ( the cache typically little, fast piece of storage, used for transcripts of informations in the chief memory, which is automatically used by the processor for fast entree to any informations which are presently bing in there ) .

Functions performed by the memory direction hardware

Single relocatable divider

Multiple fixed divider

Simple cleavage

In individual relocatable divider, whereby each giving clip a memory location is referenced, the memory direction hardware adds the reference to the reloadable registry which is so converts into a physical reference.

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In multiple fixed divider, whereby each giving clip a memory location is referenced, its logical reference is so compared with the reference in the size registry. Therefore, any reference bigger than the reference in the size registry will ensue in a memory-fault trap. At the same case, the logical reference is so added to the reference in the resettlement registry to bring forth the physical reference. In multiple fixed divider, when a procedure is giving control of the CPU, there is ever free infinite at the terminal of the of the procedure which is wasted, this wasted within the divider, which is known as the internal atomization.

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In simple cleavage, whereby each clip a memory location is referenced, the cleavage hardware converts the logical reference into physical. Whereby the section figure spots in the logical reference are used as an index into the section tabular array, the logical reference section offset spots are added to the section get downing reference, which is so obtained from the right section table entry, to organize the physical reference.

Operating system memory direction is concerned with utilizing memory direction hardware to manage the resources of the storage hierarchy and delegating them to make different activities running on a computing machine. The operating system memory direction has three degrees which are

Single relocatable divider: when the system is booted, the operating systems loads the resettlement registry with reference of the smallest memory location that can be accessed by the user plan.

Multiple fixed divider: when the operating system is booted up, it must lade the size of a divider into the size registry. The operating system will so maintain path of which divider is in usage and which of them a free. When the procedure is created or terminates, the operating system must update the divider use informations or point. Before the operating system memory direction allocates memory to a procedure, the operating system must look into if the procedure is smaller than the divider size.

Simple cleavage: the operating system memory direction system must maintain path of which of the memory locations that is in usage and the 1s that are free. When a procedure is created, the operating system memory direction assign the section to memory and make section tabular array for the procedure.

The operating system memory direction is consisted of a chief storage which is known as the practical memory. The practical memory permits a procedure to utilize the CPU when lone portion of its reference infinite is loaded in the primary memory. In this process, each and every procedure & A ; acirc ; ˆ™s reference infinite is partitioned into different parts that can be loaded into primary memory that is if they are needed to return back to the secondary memory. The practical memory has a logical memory infinite which is available to plans, and it is wholly independent of the physical memory. The practical memory hence frees plans from restrictions of physical memory limitations

Virtual memory can besides be used in different utile direction accomplishments, such as barriers.

Virtual memory support the followers

It support Programs that are bigger or heavier than the physical memory

It besides allows several plans to shack in the physical memory at a clip to enable multiprogramming maps.

The operating system memory besides included with memory protection and security, this aid the care of the operating system unity to forestall it against unplanned dislocation or knowing dislocation. The operating system memory direction in fixed divider can take to put procedures into whatever memory locations that are non being used, by giving each procedure the exact sum of infinite it requires.

Application memory direction is by supplies storage that can be straight entree by the processor from the operating system and its user. Application memory direction is besides consist of guaranting that a plans memory use is non more than the existent informations that they need, while maintaining the period spent pull offing the memory within bounds which is acceptable to the plans user. It recycle fresh memory infinite for reuse.

Application memory is subjected into three parts which are



Garbage aggregation

Allotment is the procedure of delegating to plans when requested for. When requested to by a plan, an application called memory director ( which is known as the portion of a system that manages the memory, supply allotment petition, and recycling memory either manually or automatically ) assigns a block of memory ( storage that can be accessed straight by the processor ) for the plan to hive away its informations into. Allocation is known to hold three basic strategies which are as follows

Contiguous allotment: is the procedure whereby the logical blocks of a file are stored in a divider of immediate physical blocks. The immediate allotment requires a preallocation of infinite for a freshly created file.

Linked allotment: is the procedure whereby the physical block where a file is stored might be spread all through the secondary storage device.

Indexed allotment: is a fluctuation of affiliated allotment, whereby the physical block shops merely a logical block and is hence the same size a logical block.

Deallocation is besides known as the manual memory direction, which is the procedure of liberating or deallocating an item/data, by stating the memory director that the item/data is no longer needed. The memory is hence being recycled and used for other storage or returned to the operating system.

Garbage aggregation is besides known as the automatic memory direction, which is the automatic and recycling of dynamically allocated memory ( this is chiefly used for items/data that who & amp ; acirc ; ˆ™s size, quality, or life-time could non be determined at accumulate clip ) . The refuse aggregation is used to all free or fresh infinite into a individual hole, but the refuse aggregator is hence performed by a refuse aggregator.

Paging is a technique used by largely by the practical memory system in reassigning pages form the physical memory ( the physical memory is a memory or a physical storage device such as Ram or Disk, that is straight linked to the processor, and it is addressable by the physical reference ) , and endorsing shop ( which is a slower memory comparison with the chief memory ( called page frame ) , and is by and large used ) a portion of the difficult disc that by a paging or trading system to hive away information.

Advantage of paging

Paging allows occupations to be allocated in noncontiguous memory locations so that the memory is used in a more efficient mode and so that more occupations or informations can be contained in the chief memory which is besides known as page frames. And besides it is

Easy to apportion physical memory, whereby memory is assigned from a free list of frames

Easy to page out big pieces of plans, whereby all balls are the same in size, they use valid spot to observe mentions to page-out pages

Disadvantage of paging

It is that overhead memory mentions is increased at the terminal of each occupation, and internal atomization causes the procedure non to utilize memory in the exact multiple pages

Memory that is required to keep the page tabular array may be really big and will therefore consequence to internal atomization.

It uses one shared practical reference infinite

Paging consist of a scheme called Demand paging

Demand paging is a technique used for lading merely practical pages into a memory. When a occupation really carried out, the pages are brought into the memory merely when they are needed, that is, the pages are merely loaded into the memory on demand, non in progress, they are loaded as each one of them is requested for, because plans are written consecutive, demand paging take advantage of this fact, so that when one portion or constituent is under processed, the other parts or faculty would be in idle, so hence non all pages would be accessed at the same clip.


Memory management/hardware. Accessed on the 8/06/2010. Available online at hypertext transfer protocol: //www.fujitsu.com/global/services/computing/server/unix/technology/performance/p-hardpartition.html.

Memory direction. Accessed on the 8/06/2010. Available online at, hypertext transfer protocol: //www1bpt.bridgeport.edu/sed/projects/cs503/Spring_2001/kode/os/memory.htm.

Memory direction. Accessed on the 8/06/2010. Available online at, hypertext transfer protocol: //www.memorymanagement.org/glossary/m.html # memory.management.

Application memory. Accessed on the 9/06/2010. Available online at. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.memorymanagement.org/glossary/g.html # garbage.collection

Paging. Accessed on the 15/06/2010. Available online at. hypertext transfer protocol: //web.cs.wpi.edu/~cs3013/c07/lectures/Section08-Memory_Management.pdf.

hypertext transfer protocol: //pages.cs.wisc.edu/~swift/classes/cs537-fa07/lectures/12-paging.pdf

demand paging. Accessed on the 15/06/2010. Available online at, hypertext transfer protocol: //sunsite.nus.edu.sg/LDP/LDP/tlk/node26.html

Operating system by J ARCHER HARRIS

Memory/hardware/application/operating system. Accessed on the 15606/2010. Available online at, hypertext transfer protocol: //www.memorymanagement.org/articles/begin.html.


Updated: May 19, 2021
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