Outline for Common Elements in African Societies


My speech is on common elements I found in African societies. Amongst these are animism, Bantu language, and their political organization. b.The importance of this to Islam is that some African states converted to Islam, which brought Africa into a more Eurasian system of trade, and presented them to brand-new spiritual concepts, and political company.


It prevailed amongst African societies to think in Animism, which is a belief in natural forces as gods. It also supplied a model for ethical behavior, and well rounded principles of great and wicked.

They thought in a creator deity who did their overcome lesser spirits. b.Families, family trees, and clans all played important roles; especially the deceased forefathers. They were believed to be a link to the spiritual world. c.Although the beliefs are normally the same in Animism throughout the various societies, their rituals are special and different from one another.

Bantu language

The movement of Bantu speaking people gave a general linguistic base throughout much of Africa.

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b.The only society that had a non-Bantu language was the Yourba.

Political Organization

African societies were all either a hierarchy, or a stateless society. A hierarchy is an orgainternization in which people are ranked one above the other according to status. A stateless society is a society that is not governed by a state, and there is little authority.


In conclusion, Animism and Bantu language were the common elements found in African societies. b.Again, the conversion of some African states to Islam brought Africa into a more Eurasian system of trade, and introduced them to new religious ideas, and political organization.

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Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Outline for Common Elements in African Societies. (2016, Apr 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/outline-for-common-elements-in-african-societies-essay

Outline for Common Elements in African Societies essay
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