Online shopping system overview

Online shopping is a strategy whereby customers straightforwardly purchase things, services, and so forth. From a supplier interactively in real-time without an intermediate facility over the internet. Online shopping is the process of buying things and services from suppliers who sell on the Internet. Since the appearance of the World Wide Web, suppliers have sought to sell their products to people who surf the Internet. Customers can visit web stores from the well-being of their homes and shop as they sit in front of the computer.

Customers buy a variety of items from online stores. In fact, people can buy just about anything from companies that provide their products online. Many people choose to conduct shopping online because of the easiness. After finding the items she wants to buy, she may often need to stand in long lines at the cash register. Although the convenience of online shopping, not everyone chooses to buy items and services online. Some people like the idea of actually going to a store and experiencing the shopping process.

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They like to touch the products, try on clothing, and be around other people. Online shopping doesn't ability shoppers to touch products or have any social interaction.

It also doesn't allow them to take the products home the same day they buy it. Online shopping allows you to browse through endless opportunities and even offers merchandise that's unavailable in stores. If you're searching for brands products that may not be distributed locally, you're sure to find what you're looking for on the internet.

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What's even more useful is the facility to compare items, similar or not, online. You can search through multiple stores at the same time, comparing material quality, sizes, and pricing instantaneously. Shopping via the internet reduces the need to sift through a store's products with potential buys like pants, shirts, belts, and shoes all hanged over one arm. Online shopping also reduces the catchy as well as the hundreds, if not thousands, of other like-minded individuals who seem like to have decided to shop on the same day. Say 'bye-bye' to the days when you stood in line waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more for a store clerk to finally check out your items. Online shopping transactions occur instantly-saving you time to get your other shopping done! Moreover, unlike a store, shopping has friendly consumer service representatives available 24/7 hours days a week to support you with discovering, buying, and shipping your products.


Shopping efforts to enhance access to care and improve the continuousness and efficiency of services. Depending on the specific setting and location, managers are responsible for provides a variety of tasks, extending from linking clients to services to actually providing sketchy shopping and delivery services themselves.


This system can be implemented is any shop in the locality or to any branded outlets. The system provides a facility to accept the orders 24/7 and a home delivery system which can make customers happy.

This system provides an online portal where their customers can enjoy easy shopping from anywhere, the shops won't customers to the trending online shops such as Daraz and Symbioses. Since the available in the Smartphone, it is easily accessible and always available.

Main objective

  • To shop while in the ease of your own home, without having to step out of the door.
  • Sell at a lower rate due to less overhead.
  • Provide home delivery cheap cost.
  • No, wait to perceive the products if someone else is taking that.

 Features and benefits

  • Providing security to customers.
  • Low cost and multiple brands.
  • Basic use of computer knowledge required.
  • Configurable and extensible application user interface design.
  • He proposed system can be used even by sophisticated users and it does not require any educational level, experience, and technical expertise in the computer field but it will be of good knowledge of the internet and computer if the user has a good knowledge of how to operate a computer.

System overview

The central idea of the Online shopping application is to enable the client to shop for all intents and purposes utilizing the Internet and enable clients to purchase the things and results of their longing from the brands. The data relating to the items are marks on an RDBMS at the server side (brands). The Server process the clients and the things or items are sent to the location put together by them and clients pay through the platinum card. The application was structured into two modules initially is for the clients who wish to purchase the things and items. The second is for the brand vendor who keeps up and refreshes the data relating to the things/items and those of the clients. The end client of this item is a departmental store where the application is facilitated on the web and the manager keeps up the database. The application which is situated at the buyer database, the subtleties of the things and items are forward from the database for the buyer see dependent on the choice through the menu area and the database of the considerable number of items are refreshed toward the finish of every exchange and conveyance. Information passage into the application should be possible through various segments intended for different dimensions of clients. When the approved workforce spare the significant information into the framework, reports could be produced according to the security.

System Architecture

Architectural Design

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be existing with the following modules and roles.

The modules involved are:

Product Database:

  • To contain information about the products store.

Shopping Cart:

  • To send messages to the consumer.
  • To collect product information.

Customer Database:

  • To communicate information about the customer.

Item Detector

  • To receive information about the products leaving the stock.

Bill Generator:

  •  To send information about products in the Shopping cart.
  • To contain information about products that have been paid.

Sub System Modules:

The administrator is the core user of this System. Only administrator have access into this main admin page. The administrator may be the owner of the Outlet or warehouse. The administrator has all the information about all the users and about all products.

This module is separated into various sub-modules.

  • Manage Products
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Orders

Add Products:

The shopping cart project contains different kind of electronic Items. The electronic Items can be classified into different categories by its name. Administrator can add new products or items into the existing system with all its details including an image and specification.

Delete Products:

An administrator can delete the products based on the stock availability of the particular product.

View Products:

Admin will have a list view of all the remaining items. He can also search for a specific product by its name and see detail of product or item.

Manage users

Add users:

The administrator has special privileges to add a user directly by providing the information.

Delete Products:

Administrator has a special privileges to delete or block a user.

View users:

  • The administrator will have a list view of all the users registered in the system.
  • Administrator can view all the details of each user in the list except email.

Manage orders:

Delete Orders:

Administrator can delete order from the orders list when the product is taken for delivery.

View Orders:

Administrator can view the Orders which is generated by the customers. He can verify the details of the purchase and payment.



A new user will have to register in the system by providing necessary details in order to view the products in the system. The administrator must accept a new user and give access to buy a product.


A user must log in with his user name and password to the system after registration.

View Products:

Users can view the list of products and items based on their names after a successful login. A detailed description of a particular product with product name, products details, Product image, brand name view by the user.

Search Products:

A user can search particular products in the list by name.

Add to cart:

The user can add the favorite product into his cart by clicking add to cart option on the add cart. He can view his cart by clicking on the shopping cart button. All products and items added in cart can be viewed in the cart. Customer can remove an item from the cart by clicking remove.

Submit cart:

After approving the items and products in the cart the user can submit the cart by providing a delivery address. On successful submitting the cart will become empty.

Edit Profile:

The user can view the profile and edit profile.

Decomposition Description

Data flow diagram

A Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) is a structured analysis and design tool that can be used for flowcharting in place of in relationship with, information-oriented and process-oriented systems flow charts.

A data flow diagram is a network that refer to the flow of data and the processes that change, or convert, data all over a system. This network is put together by using a set of symbols that do not point toward a physical execution. It has the purpose of clarifying system necessities and detecting major transformations that will turn into programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design stage that functionality go moldy the requirement terms down to the lowest level of detail.

The symbols used to prepare data flow diagram (DFD) do not point out a physical execution, information stream graph can be considered to a theoretical of the rationale of a data arranged or a procedure situated framework stream diagram. Therefore DFDs are frequently alluded to as sensible information stream chart.

System design

System design is the goal for the development of a new system design. This stage focuses on the in-depth carrying out of the attainable system. It is most important on transforming design. Specifications to performance specification. System design has two phases of development.

  • Logical Design
  • Physical Design

During the logical design phase the analyst refer to inputs outputs (endpoint), databases (data sores) and procedures (data flows) all in a design that come across the user requirements. The analyst also specifies the needs of the user at a level that nigh on determines information flow in and out of the system and the data resources. Here the logical design is done through data flow diagrams, context analysis diagram and database design. The physical design is followed by coding. Physical design produces the working system by describing the design specifications, which specify exactly what the candidate system must do. The programmers write the necessary programs that accept input from the user, perform necessary processing on accepted data and produce the required report on a hard copy or show it on the screen.

Input and output design

Input design

Input design is the connection that bonds the information system into the world of its users. The input design allude to determining the inputs, validating the data, minimizing the data entry and delivers a multi-user facility. Incorrect inputs are the most common reason of errors in data processing. Mistakes come into by the data entry operators can be controlled by input design.

The user-originated inputs are transformed to a computer-based format in the input design. Input data are collected and structured into groups of similar data. Once identified, the correct input media are selected for processing. All the input data are validated and if any data disturbs any conditions, the user is warned by a message. If the data satisfies all the conditions, it is transferred to the correct tables in the database. In this project the Customer details are to be entered at the time of registration. A page is designed for this purpose which is user friendly and easy to use and interacts to customers. The design is done such that users get correct messages when exceptions occur.

Output design

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the handler. Output design is a very important level since the output needs to be in an efficient manner. Efficient and understandable output design improves the system relationship with the user and helps in decision making. Allowing the user to view the sample screen is important because the user is the ultimate reviewer of the quality of output. The output module of this system is the selected notices.

Database design

Database are the storehouses of data is stored in tables inside the database are data used in the software systems. Several tables are created for the manipulation of settings for a database the data for the system. Two essential settings for the database is:

  • A primary key-the field that is unique for all the record occurrences.
  • Foreign key-the field accustomed set relation between tables.
  • Normalization is a technique to avoid redundancy within the tables.

System tools

The various system tools that are utilized in developing both the front end and the back end of the project are being discussed in this chapter.

Front end

HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT are utilized to implement the frontend.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language):

HTML is a syntax that is used to format a text document on the web.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS is a style sheet language used for labeling the look and formatting of a document written in a hypertext markup language.

Java Script:

Javascript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most usually used as part of internet browsers, whose implementations authority client-side scripts to act together with the user, control the web browser, interconnect asynchronously, and alter the

document content that is displayed. Java Script is used to create pop-up windows displaying different alerts in the system like User registration cart.

Back end

The back end is implemented using PHP, AJAX, and MySQL which is used to design the databases.

Preprocessor Hypertext (PHP):

Different pages in the System are designed using php. Web developers write PHP as text files that combine HTML or XHTML code, XML elements, and embedded PHP actions and commands. Using PHP, one can collect input from users through web page.


MySQL is the world's second most widely used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. A System software called MYSQL through XAMMP was used to design the tables in MySQL.

Updated: May 19, 2021

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