On-the-Job Training

Categories: Job

Nothing beats experience as the perfect learning tool. This On-the-Job Training served as my stepping stone to purse my dream to be a professional someday.

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This training gave me an inspiration to be more serious focused in studying. I was encouraged to do more efforts in my studies. Since I was given some ideas about work of an F&B in the company where I conducted my training, I am inspired to be like them someday. Despite the short period of my training, it was still a very meaningful one.

The training enriched my confidence created a foundation of being a good employee someday. It caused a very huge effect to me as Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Student. I was really renewed. I learned to be diplomatic in both action and words. This training made me realize that it is really good to know what you’re doing and love it.

As a student, what I can do for now is to learn whatever I can in school, be inspired, love the path I am taking, and do my best in everything I do, with a positive outlook in mind.

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I realized that I should be more focused in school and do everything heartily and with all that I can. It is also very warm to the heart to know that you have accomplished something and even warmer when there are people who are so proud of what you have done and I felt this feeling during my On-the-Job Training.

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It inspired me to be more determined and competitive in everything that I do in my daily life as a student today and as a professional someday. My On-the-Job Training is very helpful and will be very helpful to me as I continue to take my journey as a fourth year student in the field of Hotel and Restaurant Management. It really gave me a taste of the real world – a glimpse of what lies ahead after I graduate.



With deepest gratitude and appreciation, I humbly give thanks to the people who, with all they can, helped me in making my On-the-Job Training a possible one.

To my mother, for her unending love and support, for providing all my needs financially and morally, for her patience and understanding during my tiring day that I can’t help her in the chores, for her never fading advices and for being there for me no matter what.

To my brother and sister and my best friend who serve as an inspiration to me, who keep on encouraging me to always make the out of everything and for their being proud and ever supporting siblings to me.

To the institution where I am studying, Far Eastern University (Manila), where I am continuously growing as a Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Student and to ----- and family for giving us, students, the opportunity to be educated without spending too much.

To all my professors who shared and continuously sharing their knowledge with students like me and keep on molding me into a better person. I am extending my warmest thanks especially to Prof. Elacion who, with all that she can, share with us everything she knows and keep on inspiring me to pursue my goals in life, most of all, my goal to be a professional someday. I thank her for her patience during the times that we commit failures and a big thanks for touching my life and motivating me to study harder for me to have a better future.

To the Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila – F&B Department (Spiral), for their warm welcome to me. To my training Manager, Sir Henry, to my training supervisor, Ms/Mr – And to the rest of the F&B Department, I am very grateful for having them as part of my On-the-Job Training. For all their advices and for everything that they taught me during my stay with them and most of all, for the memories we’ve shared – the happy moments, the sorrowful ones, the rush hours, the brainstorming and during the times that we commit failures and a nerve-wracking days and for everything that they did that contributed to my growth as a human being. I thanks them so much.

To my friends and co-trainees, for the happiness and for being there to support me and to comfort me whenever I have difficulties during my training. I thank them for the friendship and teamwork and for being my companions whom I can share my laughter and sorrows with.

Above all, to our Almighty God, for his unconditional love and for all the blessing He is showering upon me each day of my life. With love and gratitude, I thank Him for guiding me during my training and for making this On-the-Job Training as possible one. For the provision and wisdom He has bestowed upon me, for keeping me and my love ones always safe, for giving me enough knowledge and ability to perform each task that was assigned to me for the challenges He has given me that made me stronger than ever. I thanks Him for His comfort during the times that I am about to give up. By His grace, I was able to finish this training without any conflict.

Most of all, I thank Him for His Word that keeps on reminding me that “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” (KJV) (Phil. 4:13)

My Training Experience

20 shuttles - running to the bleeps and the bleeps gradually get faster this shows you how well your endurance is in your muscles and your cardiovascular system. You can improve this by doing circuit training. Other tests which can be done are Cooper run which involves you running around a 400 meter track for twelve minutes to see how far you can run. This also measures your muscular endurance and how well you cardiovascular system is. The other test is the Harvard step test which is thirty steps per minute. You use your pulse to assess your fitness levels. Here are some other tests which can test the components of fitness:

Muscular endurance Sit-ups, press ups and circuit training Muscular strength Bench press, chin ups, grip strength and decimetre. Flexibility Sit and reach, hyperextensions and stretches Body composition Pinch test which callipers biceps and triceps. The tests out of there that I will do is the muscular endurance and muscular strength tests. The principles of training that I might use in the six weeks are:- Specificity Which means I'll be working on specific areas. Especially areas that I am weak at. Overload This means I do more than my body can do with ease and increase the intensity of the exercise.

Reversibility (if injured or ill for a long period of time) If I am out of training for a certain period of time. My bodies final result in training declines. To prevent this from occurring you need to keep training otherwise you may have reversibility. Here are some Methods of training which I could use in my six week programme. Continuous (for aerobic system). In the continuous training you walk, jog, cycle or swim at a steady pace, without rest. To overload, increase the time, distance, speed or frequency. The advantages of this method of training is its great for aerobic fitness.

You don't need special equipment and its good for burning off body fat. The disadvantages of this method of training is it can be boring and it doesn't improve spring speed, which is needed for a lot of sports. It is more suited for long distance runners. The other method of training is Fartlek training. This is mainly for sprinters because of the change of speed. You can use it in many ways for example on a bike, running and skiing. Overload by increasing times, or the difficulty of the terrain. You could run up hills or threw sand or mud. The advantages of Fartlek training is good for a lot of sports because of the change of speed.

You can change the mix of fast and slow work to suit your sport. The changes of pace makes it intense. The disadvantages are the coaches can't tell how hard an athlete is training. You could argue that the athlete should try his/her hardest to get more out of their training. An its easy to skip the tough buts so you need a lot of determination. Interval training In the interval training you do fast and then slow work. A good example of this is running. You can do a 30 meter sprint and then a 30 second jog. This is good for running and swimming. Each repetition of the pattern is called a rep. You must do a set of these before you can rest.

This is also done in weights. You do reps in weights and you do different speeds (push the weight up fast and bring it down slow). You overload the interval training by doing more reps or sets or both or you could set less time on slow work and resting. In weights you usually increase the weight but do less reps. The advantages of this is you can mix both anaerobic and anaerobic work. It is also easy to see when you are giving up. The disadvantages are its hard t keep going and you need lots of determination. Also if you overload you increase the chances of injury because of the sudden changes.

The training equipment that I will be using on my training is a weight bar with weights on the end. The bar itself ways about 10kg so whatever weights I put on the end I have to add 10kg because of the bar. I usually do my weight training with my partner Hollie. She's a 18 year old girl and is about my level in all training that we do. I will use her as my motivation. For my sprint training I will be using a sports hall which has a lot of grip on it. This allows me to turn and change direction quickly (agility) which is the use of speed and muscular strength.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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On-the-Job Training. (2016, May 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/on-the-job-training-essay

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