Nursing As a Discipline

Is nursing a discipline or just a profession? The term discipline describes the practise of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, so can nursing be placed under this classification? The term profession described as a paid occupation or a body of people engaged in a particular profession, so can nursing be placed under this classification? Yes nursing is a paid occupation, thus allowing it to be placed under the classification of nursing as a profession. However, nursing can also be placed under discipline as you are trained to obey a code of behaviour.

Nursing as a discipline has interrelated relationships between nursing practice, knowledge and research and these relationships help to advance the discipline of nursing. Is nursing a profession or a discipline? The goal of the discipline is to expand knowledge about human experiences through creative conceptualisation and research, (Parse, R.R, 1999).

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The goal of the profession is to provide a service to humankind through living the art of science, (Parse, R.R, 1999). Through those definitions of the nursing discipline and the nursing profession, it can be seen that the nursing practice can be thought as a discipline or a profession.

The discipline of nursing encompasses the knowledge in the extant framework and theories that are embedded in the totality and simultaneity paradigm, (Parse, R.R, 1999). The profession of nursing consists of person educated in the discipline of nursing according to nationally regulated defined and monitored standards, (Parse, R.R, 1999). You can see that nursing is both a profession and a discipline and you can see that there are interrelationships between nursing practice, knowledge and research.

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In nursing as a discipline you can see that there is an interrelationship between nursing practice, knowledge and research. It has been said that that understanding of knowledge base is essential for judgement and decision-making that occurs before, during, and after the actual tasks are preformed, (Evans, R.J, 2006). This shows that the relationship between nursing practice and knowledge is strong and can be seen in everyday practice. “An awareness of the relationship(s) between skills and other competencies is essential to understanding the complexity of the dynamics of nursing practice”, (Evans, R.J, 2006). This shows the importance of being able to back up the choices made with the knowledge and research.

The relationship between knowledge and research is just as important as the relationship between nursing practice and knowledge. Having that relationship allows for the knowledge to be gained by research and in the overall picture is allows for the interrelationship between nursing practice, knowledge and research to be seen by others that are not in the health care workforce. |A proposed model that builds on work by Benner, (1984), illustrated that nurses moves through a number of phases in nursing, from novice to expert. The authors here propose that the knowledge, skill and judgement possessed by the nurse also pass through the same phases. The skills implemented by a nurse are not performed contextually free. They are always supported by the knowledge acquired through basic and continuing education, experience, research findings, and intuition that nurses develop as they move through Benner’s levels of novice to expert. The performance of a skill cannot stand alone; it is always supported by the knowledge and judgement. The second part of the model revolves around the understanding that knowledge, judgement, and their skills and their interrelationship do no remain static.

We believe that the knowledge, skill and judgement that nurses possess and display also change in a similar manner.| (Evans, R.J, 2006). This demonstrates that having this relationship in the nursing profession helps to advance it as a discipline. By having these relationships public within the nursing profession it shows that they know what they are doing. It gives a support when with the patients. These relationships help the families and carers of those we look after. The interrelationships between nursing practice, knowledge and research have helped advance nursing as a discipline but also keeping it within a profession. As the definition goes discipline is training of people to obey a code of behaviour, and that’s what the interrelationships between nursing practice, knowledge and research shows. Having these advancements plays a significant role on nurses and the nursing career as they give nurses a broader role within the workforce, as they are not just looking after patients and being there advocates, nurses are now showing their knowledge in their judgements and decision-makings. Overall, the nursing career can be classified as a profession as well as a discipline due to the interrelationship between nursing practice, knowledge and research. They have had a big role in the advancement of nursing as a discipline. Nurses now have the role of demonstrating their knowledge through their judgements and decision-making within the nursing practice. By doing this they illustrate the large interrelationship between nursing practice, knowledge and research.

Evans, R. J., & Donnelly, G. W. (2006). A model to describe the relationship between knowledge, skill, and judgment in nursing practice. Nursing Forum, 41(4), 150-7. Retrieved from Bryant, R. B., Foley, E. R., & Percival, E. C., A.M. (2008). The role of RCNA in promoting transcultural nursing as a discipline of study, research, practice and management in australia. Contemporary Nurse : A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 28(1), 3-11. Retrieved from Parse, R.R, (1999), ‘Nursing: The discipline and the profession’, Vol. 12, No.4, PP. 275-276, viewed 8 May 2013, <>

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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