National Festivals in India

A festival is a celebration of life. Festivals bring peace and joy to the masses. They break the monotony of life. Indian festivals are numerous. A festival is a celebration, entertainment, or series of performances of a certain kind, often held periodically.

Festivals break the monotony of life. They bring peace and joy to the masses. All nations have their religious and cultural festivals. Indian festivals are numerous. They are harmonious, rich, varied, and colorful. Indian festivals are varied as the people themselves.

They are of three types - national, religious, and seasonal.

The first type of festivals, i.e. national festivals are celebrated with great patriotic favour. These days have been declared national holidays and are celebrated in all parts of the country with a lot of enthusiasm. The capital, New Delhi, is the seat of national celebrations on such occasions. It witnesses one of the most majestic parades on the Republic Day. These festivals include Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanit, etc.

The second type of festivals depicts the religious association of the people.

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Most Indian festivals have their origin either in religions or in the myths and legends of popular faiths. Some are contend with the memory of venerable men and events and are, therefore, commemorative in nature. They are intended to keep alive the memory of those events and personalities and inspire people to emulate their examples. These festivals include Guru Parav, Holi, Lohir, Buddhapurnima, Mahavir Jayanit, Dussehra, Diwali, Janmastami, Chath, Navaratri, and Eid.

Third ones mark the change of season.

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These festival include Bhi, Baisakhi, Onam, Pongal, Basant Panchanmi etc.

Updated: Feb 02, 2023
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National Festivals in India. (2016, Apr 14). Retrieved from

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