My Mom Inspired Me for Better Results

I have learned a lot and great many things from participating and playing Chess. It has played a major role in my life by changing my entire attitude towards life. I started playing Chess when I was 9 years old. My mom used to come back to home from work with tired and sweating face. The weather would be too hot and it would feel like 45 degree celsius. She used to take me to the Chess class which is 40 mins away from my home and wait for me there till the class gets over.

The day came where I realised why my Mom is working so hard with all her health issues although she has enough money.

My Dad came back work as usual late in the night and my mom wasn’t feeling well that day. Suddenly, I heard someone yelling and I started shivering My room was too dark, and the curtains were flying in the wind. I woke up and turned on the lights.

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That’s the first time I saw my Mom and Dad fighting. I don’t remember anything else but the reason why she works so hard. She cried saying that all my aunts, uncles and cousin doesn’t want me to succeed and they were jealous of me. They didn’t like my mom and they teased her a lot and my Dad wasn’t supporting. I saw the first tear from my mom broke free, and the rest followed by in a stream. She sat down on the floor with her head leaning towards the wall.

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That’s when I promised my mom that I would make her feel proud of me in front of everyone who didn’t want us succeed.

I was in my senior year at high-school with a good amount of experience in Chess by playing many tournament with a lot of practice. I was still afraid of making mistakes and getting scolded by the coach and my mom. Sometimes all those fears were true. I got lashed out all the time I made a mistake. But, I would say that all those scoldings shaped me as a complete player today. More than that, it made me as a perfect person in my life. After 9 years my dream came true. My coach came into my house with a big smile in his face. He hugged me and said “Raghul, you got the chance to prove yourself”. Everyone in my house stood silently with a confused mind. My mom’s face was so curious and I can see that she was expecting him to say that I got selected for the nationals. Yes, I got selected for National level Championship. That’s when I saw the tears roll down my Mom’s eyes for the second time. I still wonder if I slept at all that night. But I slept peacefully and comfortably, because I know that the day where I’m going to make my Mom proud was closer. When I woke up, I felt my adrenaline was flowing already.

It was the day of the finals. It’s still early morning and the sun hasn’t risen yet, but I already got ready for the tournament was sitting in the couch silently thinking about the strategies that should be implement in the game. My mom wakes up and turns on the radio- as my dad wakes up to come and see me to make that everything was fine. After a quick breakfast, My mom drives me to the old stadium. The finals took place in the same place where I played my first ever tournament. The one hour car ride seemed like a few minutes ride. My mom pulled the car into the parking lot. It felt everything happened in a matter of seconds and the tournament has arrived quickly and yet I don’t feel confident because of the nervousness.

My coach leads me into the tournament hall. Everyone there welcomed me. The Initials rounds went well and I won all the games. Now it was time for final round in the top table with Aravindh. There were other players in the tournament, but I never lost to any of them. He was the one who won me in my District tournament. Although my rating was greater than his, he won me in most of the games we met. But, I was pretty sure that I was going to win this game because I analyzed all the mistakes he made in previous games and found his weakness. Nevertheless, i found the path to my victory.

The tournament hall was filled with silence and I couldn’t even hear my opponent’s breath. I sat down in the soft cushioned chair, shook my hands with the opponent, cleared all the thoughts going on in my mind, and focused on the board. I was able to feel my heartbeat. I looked at my mom before starting the game. She didn’t move a muscle. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath and calm myself down. When I opened my eyes, every cell in the body worked furiously and they were attentive. A foot step came near and I heard “ the game begins now”. The timer started and since I was playing for the white side, I made the first move. I don’t remember any moves I made. The only thing I remember was the last move I made. The checkMate. At last I won the game. That’s when I saw the tears coming out of my mom’s eyes for the third time and this time it’s out of happiness.

This was the first time I ever won a National level tournament with my hard work, and the determination to make my mom feel proud. This one moment, this one title, changed my life forever. All the national medias were interviewing and that’s when I said “I don’t deserve the priase. My mom deserves this.” Mountains weren’t tall, The roads weren’t long, and the Sun wasn’t bright. When I requested my mom to collect the prize, I was the best son in the world.

Updated: Dec 17, 2021
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