Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education in Elementary School


This study determined the Impact of Science 3 using mother-tongue based multilingual instructions into the 4th-grade academic performance of the science class pupils in Lahug Elementary school. The demographic profile of the teacher respondents was interpreted and analyzed. Additionally, it includes the learner’s age and gender. The researchers identified the academic performance of Grade 4 pupils in the Science subject whether there is a relationship between the learner’s proficiency, the outcomes of teaching Science 3 into Science 4, and measures envisioned toward its enhancement.

The researchers utilized the descriptive-correlational survey method to determine the result of teaching Science 3 using MTB-MLE instructions on 4th- grade academic performance in the same subject.

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Results showed that it has a p-value of 0.000 and a critical T-value on 0.936 which is less than the 0.05 level of significance. This means that there is a significant correlation between their performance in Grade 3 in Science using Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education and their academic performance in Grade 4. This result implies that the way our pupils learn Science lessons utilizing the vernacular language affects the way they learn in Grade 4 concepts using the English language in the same subject. Moreover, the fundamental skill of higher cognitive in Science is a factor in the competency acquisition in Grade 4.


One of the issues in education is the use of the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Instruction on its effectiveness. Students had a hard time understanding Science 3, and it affected their academic performance. The utilization of MTB-MLE underwent an assessment of whether it will be effective in learning the subject.

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Teachers had been presented with the real challenge in knowing the Impacts of teaching Science 3 using MTB-MLE in Grade 4 students and also determine if there is a correlation to the extent of teaching Science 3 using MTB-MLE with their academic performance.

The Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education was carried out in all government schools by the “Department of Education order no.16, series 2012, as part of the K to 12 curricula.” This implies that the learner’s lingua franca is essential in the teaching and learning process.

“Mother Tongue refers to the first language (FL), home language, native language or vernacular used by every individual at home.” The adoption of first language instruction is vital in the educational system of the Philippines which aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning process.

This study determined the learner’s and teacher’s demographic profile. Additionally, it included the learners’ age and gender. Moreover, the researcher identified the academic performance of Grade 4 pupils together with their performance in Grade 3 using MTB-MLE. It determines the extent of the effects of teaching Science 3 whether there is a significant correlation between the profile of the learners and academic performance and measures toward its course implementation using Mother Tongue-Based Instruction.

Theoretical Background

The study was anchored on Chomsky’s language acquisition. “Children who are not fluent in their mother tongue in oracy and literacy, their vocabulary becomes limited and this restricts their ability to learn a second language and so become illiterate in both mother tongue and the second language.”

The Law of Readiness and Effect by Edward Thorndike. “The Law of Readiness states that learning is dependent upon the learner’s readiness to act which facilitates the strengthening of the bond between stimulus and response.” On the other hand, “the Law of Effect states that responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation and responses that produce a discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation.” Thus, the motivation to learn is dependent on the obtained satisfaction..

“Deped Order series 16, series 2012 guidelines on the Implementation of the Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education (MTB-MLE).’’ The lingua franca from the different regions must be adopted into the teaching and learning instruction from Grade one to Grade three. It is in the curriculum guide’s MTB-MLE framework which states that the lifelong learning involves the communicative competence for Mother Tongue and it is essential in the understanding of the second language for the academic development of the learners (K to 12 Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide, May 2016).

It is supported by the “ Republic Act No. 10533, Enhanced Education Act of 2013.” This legislation is essential in strengthening the teaching and learning instruction using the MTB-MLE for Grade one to Grade three.

Research Design and Method

The researchers utilized the descriptive-correlational survey method to determine the effects of teaching Science 3 using MTB-MLE instructions on 4th-grade academic performance in the same subject. It is a survey method used to collect and analyze. It also measures two or more variables and assessed relationships between or among them.

The teachers and pupils were the respondents of the study. There were 40 teachers, and 100 pupils as the respondents in the research. The inclusion criteria were as follows: a) that they are teachers teaching Science 3; b) that they are Grade 4 learners; and c) that they are willing to participate and cooperate in the said undertaking. The exclusion criteria are as follows: a) that they are teachers teaching other than Science; b) that they are learners, not Grade 4 and c) that they are not willing to participate and cooperate in the said undertaking.

We make use of a survey for the data gathering process to collect, analyze, synthesize, and interpret the outcomes or results of the study. The survey is significant in the study because it provides unbiased data in which we can develop sensible decisions based on quantified and analyzed results.

In the data gathering process, the researchers followed a thorough procedure by submitting a letter asking the Principal for permission to conduct the study in Lahug Elementary School. After receiving the approval letter from the Principal confirming the proposal, the survey tools were distributed to the respondents. The survey tools were collected for data interpretation and analysis.


From the findings, we can conclude that the impact of teaching science 3 using Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education showed a significant correlation between their performance in Grade 3 in Science using Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education and their academic performance in Grade 4. This result implies that the way our pupils learn the Science lesson utilizing the first language affects the way they learn in Grade 4 Science concepts using the English language. Therefore, there is a need to study further the correlation between the Academic Impact of teaching Mother Tongue-Based Instruction in the teaching of science in grade 3 towards the academic performance of the Grade 4 students in the same subject who are enrolled in a regular class as a follow-up study.

Updated: Sep 09, 2020
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Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education in Elementary School. (2020, Sep 08). Retrieved from

Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education in Elementary School essay
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