Montessori Language Rationale

Language, merely put, is a system of symbols with a concurred upon meaning that is shared within a group of people. Maria Montessori comprehended that kids have to learn language, that it is not inborn. She also comprehended the teen mind has a long delicate period for language. Because language is deeply linked to the process of thinking, the kid will need to be spoken to and listened to often.

Each child learns language at their own rate and rate. There can be various aspects, such as a child finding out multiple languages at the same time.

A lot of frequently, with little effort, the kid will have the ability to find out oral language by remaining in an environment that fosters discussion. Early on, young children will begin to make intentional sounds, "At one year of age the kid states his first deliberate word ... his babbling has a purpose, and this intent is a proof of conscious intelligence ... He ends up being ever more mindful that language refers to his environments, and his desire to master it consciously ends up being also higher ...

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Subconsciously and unaided, he strains himself to learn, and this effort makes his success all the more astonishing." (The Absorbent Mind, p. 111) The majority of children by the age of two will have a fast growth in language comprehension. Towards the end of the 2nd year the child is able to combine 2 or more words into standard sentences, "Every child ... bursts out with a variety of words all perfectly pronounced.

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And all this occurs at the end of the second year of his life." (The Absorbent Mind, p. 103).

The directress plays the most essential role by giving objects labels within the environment. It is necessary that all language be offered to a child within a context. The kid requires to know the names, labels, and the significance of things in the environment in order for them to have significance, "At about a year and a half, the child finds another truth, which is that everything has its own name." (The Absorbent Mind, p. 113) This enables the kid to see and comprehend the higher photo of things and offers things indicating. Once the higher image is attained, it can then be broken down into smaller information.

The Montessori language materials isolate elements of language and offer ‘portals’ for the children in the exploration of language. Maria crafted the materials to be presented to the child in the same manner in which they learn oral language, starting with nouns, articles, adverbs, etc. After a new concept is presented to the child, there should always be a return to the original environmental language using storytelling, poetry, storybooks and everyday speech. This allows the child to clearly see how the new concept is applied, with context, in our world.

The Montessori preliminary language exercises give the child the vocabulary for objects in the immediate environment. Three part cards with appropriate terminology are a wonderful material to introduce new vocabulary for nouns. Sandpaper letters are a great tool to introduce the child to the sounds of alphabet. Puzzles may also be placed on the shelf, for they indirectly teach the left to right reading style. By the time the absorbent mind of the child has reached the age of six, they will come to understand that the sounds and words have meaning and that these symbols can be used in writing. The Montessori curriculum helps the child develop writing skills through many materials. Tracing the sandpaper letters, working with the movable alphabet, metal insets, as well as using the sand tray, all help teach letter formation. A silent helper in the Montessori classroom is the practical life area. In the practical life area, you will find many jobs that indirectly teach proper pincer grip for holding a pencil.

Introduction to reading comes through phonetic reading boxes. The reading boxes are cleverly organized, going from simple to the complex. Reading does not follow the same process of writing, which is taking our own thoughts and symbolizing. When we read, it is not our language with which we are working with, it is the author’s language. Reading is the analysis of the language followed by a synthesis. Story telling and socio-dramatic play in the environment can help the child develop an imagination that fosters a higher capability to understand what is being read to them.

The Montessori language program is like no other. With a prepared Montessori environment, the child can flourish in orally, in their handwriting, and lastly in their reading.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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