Mission Statement for Teaching and Learning

The study revealed that core values, mission statements, admission policy and pro-social programs were moderately effective while orientation programs and co-curricular activities were not effective at all in addressing the needs of learners with special needs.

Most teachers about 62% felt that school core values that are moderately effective to address the needs of learners with disabilities.

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This implies that there is some laxity by school administrators and teachers to make core values a driving force behind every component in the school.

In contrast, Waldron, McLeskey, & Redd, (2011), have shown that an obligation to instilling core values makes the schools inclusive. These shared values are significant to teachers, who feel inadequately, prepared to meet the needs of students with disabilities and may not support inclusive programs. For core values to be yield fruits, principals require the commitment from both teachers and students, which require a trusting supportive relationship with all the key stakeholders, (McLeskey & Waldron, 2015)

Similarly, the study findings revealed that the majority of schools have mission statements that are moderately effective in addressing the needs of learners with disabilities. This implies the most school mission statements have little impact on how the school operates regarding inclusive education. It also implies that the clear values presented in the mission statements are incoherent with what actually happens in the school. In other words the statement provides little guidance in strategizing and planning for learners with diverse needs in school. In contrast, Abawi & Oliver, (2013), asserts that for the school to be truly inclusive; it should have a clear mission statement that guides educators to remove barriers that hinder learning opportunities.

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Further, Frattura & Capper, (2007), assert that when the school goals are developed from unclear mission statements, the goals and action plans become ambiguous and the mission may not address the needs of all students in the school. Therefore, schools are called to revise their mission statements frequently to safeguard the needs of all the students, to embrace the variety of educational priorities and to direct school’s day to day operations

Teachers in the majority of schools felt that school admission policies and practices moderately effective in enabling learner with disabilities admitted in schools. This implies that some learners are discriminated against by the admission policies and practices in schools. In contrast, the Basic Education Act No. 14 of 2013 mandates that no school should discriminate any learner, seeking admission on any ground and no child should be denied admission in a public school. This means that the schools should maintain zero rejection admission policy and practice

The study findings further revealed that half of the schools’ orientation programs were moderately effective while others had an orientation that was not effective at all in guiding learners with disabilities on school support systems. This implies that during the orientation process learners with disabilities issues were not comprehensively handled. In contrast, Cook et al, (2006), assert that the orientation process is vital because it provides information and guidance in a calm atmosphere, allows parents and students to ask questions in a safe environment. Orientation programs encourage social interaction and enable learners with disabilities to be aware of the support provided by the school

Teachers felt that pro-social behavioral programs that support learners with special education needs were well facilitated in many schools. Several studies assert that pro-social initiatives are important in a school environment as learners are taught to offer unpaid positive services that are beneficial to others, powered by kindness, moral principles and a sense of individual responsibility. Peer supports and connections allow individuals with disabilities to improve social skills, participate in peer activities, nurture positive relationships, and learn social norms in the school (Carter & Hughes, 2005; Lai et al, 2015; McCurdy & Cole, 2014).

The majority of teachers (78%) felt that co-curricular programs were very ineffective in addressing the physical needs of learners with disabilities. This was affirmed by the learners living with disabilities during the interviewing process. All the interviewed learners noted that during games, sports, and even physical education classes, they were either left to do in classes, mere spectators or cheerers as the other students enjoyed playing with their colleagues. This implies that schools do not plan to incorporate learners with physical disabilities in co-curricular activities. In contrast, a few researchers indicate that co-curricular activities are more significant for learners with disabilities comparative to those without disabilities because such students are more inactive and are prone to obesity, (Jooyeon et al., 2017; Jeffrey, 2013). Students who participated in focus group discussion suggested that schools should put up facilities that promote co-curricular activities for learners with physically challenges

Conclusion and Recommendations


The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of school guiding principles in addressing the needs of learners with special education needs as mandated by the education frameworks. While teachers felt strongly about guiding principles, they realized that commitment to implementing the guiding principles is fundamental. This required the schools not only re-stating and modifying guiding principles but also to seek support from key stakeholders in order to address the needs of all learners. By focusing on core guiding principles, the school administrators have a role to sensitize key stakeholders on inclusive education policy and to focus on support systems that promote learner participation. Effective guiding principles enable each learner with disabilities to exploit every opportunity and to excel in their areas of interest and ability


  1. Implementation of inclusive education policy in schools benefits not only learners with disabilities but also learners without disabilities. Therefore the school managers need to sensitize key stakeholders on inclusive education policy for ownership and support by all the stakeholders. The school managers should create avenues such as in-class meetings, school assemblies, teacher and parents meetings where the role of guiding principles can be reinforced
  2. It was found that trained teachers on special education needs are important for the implementation of inclusive education. Hence, the government should employ adequate numbers of professionally well-trained male and female teachers on special needs education. These skills would cater for learner diversity in schools
  3. Key stakeholders play a significant role in determining the success of a learner’s education. They have a responsibility to provide an enabling environment that is conducive to learning to take place. Hence, the rate of their involvement in planning for students with learning needs should be strengthened. This will enhance support from key stakeholders in the implementation of inclusive education policy
Updated: May 19, 2021
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Mission Statement for Teaching and Learning. (2020, Sep 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/mission-statement-for-teaching-and-learning-essay

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