Maurice and Richard McDonald

Categories: Mcdonald'S

McDonald’s is a restaurant franchise that originated as a single restaurant in San Bernardino by brothers named Maurice and Richard McDonald. The restaurant started as a burger joint and was made popular by the cheap prices of their delicious meals. The difference between them and their competitors was that the service was faster because they didn’t have waiters and waitresses needing to serve the pre-made food that was kept warm with lamps. As their burger joint grew, they started to show interest in expanding the horizons on their menu.

In talking with a salesman, Ray Kroc, the entrepreneurial brothers decided to purchase a milkshake machine and began their work with dairy.

Ray Kroc saw the potential success of the McDonald business and offered to make a deal where the restaurant would be made into a franchise, and from then on, the company skyrocketed.

In the year 1988, the company had over ten thousand links in their chain and had already expanded into Canada in the previous year of 1967, which was the second country that McDonald’s inhabited.

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McDonald’s has now taken up spaces all over the world and is a go-to meal or snack for anyone who is needing to feed their cravings.

McDonald’s became more and more successful because of its individuality and the way it was “set apart” from other companies in their “field”. The restaurant progressed to make an increase of nearly one hundred million dollars per day. This means that the profit per year would be somewhere around thirty-six billion, five hundred million dollars (approximately).

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The restaurant that the brothers created started small but grew massively into a company now worth billions of dollars. McDonald’s Corporation started an organization to help people who have a child family member staying in a hospital for more time than usual.

With their success with the business, they touched many people’s lives with their special power to change things for the good. McDonald’s became partners with other companies that affected things for the better. The extremely profitable decided to shed their light on other areas of the economy such as funding greenhouses that will help the oil industry. Mentioned before were the Ronald McDonald houses which give support to families of pediatric patients. McDonald’s also co-hosted the “Road to Greenbuild”, which was a building project that took place in Illinois. Among the bigger things, they did many “smaller” things which affected people in ways some may not notice. McDonald’s started to change the way coffee was farmed and harvested. They also started using more biodegradable cups to help the environment.

McDonald’s has now become a place full of joy in some areas. But in others, not so much. Because the restaurant is now a franchise, it lost touch of the personalness it once had. The employees used to be kind because of customer service being so important to a new business. But as time goes on, and the chain grows more and more, kindness becomes less important. Really, the kindness aspect of the food company depends on where you are and who is working at what time; that’s just how things are these days.

In the end of it all, McDonalds has affected many people’s lives and many other foundations that have helped improve the economy. The history of the restaurant has been a very impressive success story, with rapidly high profits, and the ability to touch things they’re not even remotely related to. The restaurant is still known and growing to this day, there’s no way it could possibly be unsuccessful. It is a perfect example of a powerful business.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Maurice and Richard McDonald. (2021, Aug 09). Retrieved from

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