Westfield: Digital Strategies & Reward Cards

The Westfield Shopping center provides a complete shopping experience, from arrival till departure. To begin, all complexes have exclusive parking lots, where parking your automobiles is safe. Also, the parking is free for the first 2 hours, and by going into the films, an additional free hour is earned. For more benefit the Vehicle Pay system is offered where it is possible to pay the parking without waiting in any line and a Valet Service and cars and truck wash are also readily available.

Inside the shopping center, it is possible to find a fantastic amount of all type of stores and brand names. Additionally, a Concierge is at hand on the very first floor to assist the buyers, showing shop areas, or for solving any problem.

The newest service produced by Westfield is the Gift Cards, where the customers can provide their families and friends a card with specific amount of credit where its possible to spend in more than 8.000 stores, or how Westfield prefers to state, the present of option.

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These are some examples of special services that Westfield created and has been innovating to attract and keep much more clients. To help in this task, the Marketing Department has actually been developed specifically in the digital field. A Nielsen study revealed that Australia is the nation with the major average time spent in social media per individual, about seven hours a month. Attentive to this market, Westfield has actually established digital marketing techniques targeting this type of customer, the online one.

In the beginning, the site is finished renovated, and it is possible to compare between a big amount of merchants and products and make purchases straight from the site.

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Also, free return approaches are readily available, making the experience of buying online more comfortable. Another digital marketing method was the development of the Westfield Insider, which consists in a blog site that is composed by Alyce Cowell that was selected among 1.450 applicants in a contest. In this blog she shares about her clothing, style and way of life suggestions, shopping finds, clever buys, and talk with the consumers about shopping. It's a very smart strategy considering that clients trust more in other customer recommendations.

The creation of Super Saturday was also a creation of the Marketing Department, which included in the Australian calendar a day with special deals and discounts, similar to United State’s Black Friday. Furthermore, Westfield launched a mobile app called My Westifield, which gives to the shoppers personalized shopping experiences, with a technology that is called Autograph, which allows the shopper to choose their favorite stores and brands, and then the app will show a wall of content and offers based on their preferences. What is most interesting about this app is the protection of the consumer’s privacy, Westfield doesn’t keep personal information and nor preferences. Also, Westfield has a massive social media presence. One of the top creation is the availability of a stylist that helps consumers with wardrobe dilemmas 24 hours 7 days a week.


The best method to evaluate the success of Westfield’s digital marketing strategies is using numbers and measuring their social media impact. Using analytics tools available on the web, it is possible to measure the access numbers of a website. In the case of the website www.westfield.com.au, its clear to affirm that it is a successful website. According to the website tools, westfield.com.au is in the 318th position in the raking of the most accessed websites in Australia, have an estimated of 28.000 daily visits and the visitor stays on the website for about 3 minutes, which is a high number, whereas in a browser it is possible to change a content in just one click. An interesting observation is that this website has 4.800 other websites linked to it.

The Facebook account has 430.000 likes and 2.2 million visits, and the posts have a lot of interaction specially in posts that contain questions and suggestion ideas, for example, one post that starts the debate about sharing the corridor in two lanes, one fast and one slow, this post has more than 2.000 likes and more than 100 comments. Another relevant number is that Westfield has more than 5.000 followers on Twitter, and has more than 3.800 followers in the Westfield Insider Instagram account. These numbers and information represents how successful the Westfield’s digital strategies are, and with the innovative and creative marketing department higher numbers and interactions will be reached soon.


Due the success of the Gift Card campaign, and based on these remarkable digital strategies, my campaign aims to combine reward cards and the digital medias, with the clear objective to attract more customers, increase the Westfield brand value and be a satisfactory action for the shoppers and the retailers. The idea consists in developing three new cards, but different from the gift card, these new cards will be to reward the owner of the card. The three cards will be known as Silver, Gold and Diamond. These cards will be easily obtained by the customers in every participant retail, remembering that everyone starts with the Silver Card. With this card in hand, each purchase will provide a certain amount of points.

Each 5-dollar spent in one Westfield retailer is equal to 1 point in the Silver Card. When the shopper achieves 200 points, they will be able to exchange the Silver Card for the Gold Card. In the Gold Card, the rules change, each 8 dollars spent in one Westfield retailer is equal to 1 point. And to be promoted to the Diamond Card, the shopper needs to achieve 300 points. When the shoppers achieve this amount, they will be able to enter in a select group of the Diamond Cards shoppers. Each card will benefit the shoppers in a different way. The silver card allows the shopper to receive special offers and to participate in promotions. Obviously, if there is a lot of silver cards, the odds of winning is lower, so which card provides a more exclusive rewards.

With the Gold Card, besides receiving special offers, consumers will be able to participate in promotions with highly valuable rewards such as travels and cars, and to receive invitations to stores openings and brands tests. And the special clients who achieve the Diamond Card will be a VIP shopper, they will participate in promotions with higher valuable offers, special invitations for parties and VIP passes and have a private lounge in the shopping when they can drink a coffee, use Wi-Fi, receive a massage, just like an exclusive airport room for VIP passengers. The retailers will also benefit from this campaign, because they will purpose the special offers, so will provide more interaction with the customers, the perfect time to announce a new collection or a settlement. And all the Westfield digital media will be available for them to use and disclose themselves. Therefore, this campaign will benefit the shopper, the retailers and specially the Westfield Shopping Center.

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Cruz, S. 2011. ‘Westfield Group's Digital Marketing Strategy viewed 15 June 2014, < www.businessreviewaustralia.com/marketing/company-reports/westfield-groups-digital-marketing-strategy>

Dupre, E. 2013. ‘Westfield Balances Personalization with Privacy’ viewed 15 June 2014,

Facebook Westfield, viewed 16 June 2014,

Instagram Westfield Insider, viewed 16 June 2014,

Murton, D. 2012. ‘Australian Marketing Update: Westfield's Super Saturday, "Dumb Ways to Die" Karaoke, Nando's Appoints Digital Agency’ viewed 15 June 2014,

URL Métrica, viewed 17 June 2014,

Twitter Westfield, viewed 16 June 2014,

Westfield Insider Blog, viewed 16 June 2014,

Westfield Gift Cards, viewed 15 June 2014,

Westfield Website, viewed 15 June 2014,

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Westfield: Digital Strategies & Reward Cards. (2016, Apr 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/marketing-campaign-essay

Westfield: Digital Strategies & Reward Cards essay
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