Mark Antony: Loyal Friend or Cunning Politician

Mark Antony was a cunning, strong-willed, and devoted Roman. He was a devoted friend to Caesar. He took a look at life as a game in which he had a considerable part to play, and played that part with excellent refinement and ability.

Antony was a devoted fan of Julius Caesar. Because he was a buddy, he wanted to be 2nd hand to Caesar, the brand-new king. Whilst Caesar would become the king, the most important however least powerful piece in chess, he would end up being the rook, a semi-valuable, really important piece.

He wanted the crown to be offered to Caesar so that the political vacuum would be filled and no conflicts would happen. Antony was unsettled by Caesar's death however mainly looked for to utilize this to his benefit and gain power. He showed how smart and cunning he might be when he persuaded the crowd at Caesar's funeral ceremony to side with him and not with the murderers.

The individuals ended up being excited and rowdy when he teased them about the will, waving it in the air and pretending as if he was not going to read it.

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Antony benefited from the general public idiocy when he first pretended to appreciate the conspirators calling them honorable males, and after that slowly showing that they were not. He spoke out against them due to the fact that he wanted power for himself, and unlike Brutus, he was politically enthusiastic therefore believed that if he could take control while the state remained in chaos, he will stay in power.

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He was alone in making this oration, revealing he had the self-confidence and courage required to take charge.

Rome began to collapse as soon as Caesar was eliminated, so Antony signed up with the brand-new government in order to lead the Roman individuals into a brand-new age of success. He did this partially due to a sensation of obligation as Caesar's pal, and also from his own aspirations.

Antony was deemed a risk by all of the conspirators but Brutus. They wanted to kill Antony in addition to Caesar because they feared that he would end up being as powerful as Caesar and possibly a dictator. Brutus convinced the others not to add to the assassination by saying, "And for Mark Antony, believe not of him: for he can do no more than Caesar's arm when Caesar's head is off"( 2.1 ). Brutus underestimated Antony and viewed him as a person who didn't constantly take life seriously, could not have a major nature and therefore, not a thinker.

Brutus continued to argue with Cassius who did not believe him. "Alas, good Cassius, do not think of him. If he loves Caesar, all that he can do is to himself -- take thought and die for Caesar. And that were much he should, for he is given to sports, to wildness, and much company" (2.1). Brutus judged him as being frivolous, and simply liking sport and partying, with a reputation for womanizing. This caused Brutus to see Antony as a pushover and a force that could be molded to their uses. Unfortunately for Brutus and the conspirators he turned out to be quite the orator and the people immediately loved him.

Antony's character was slow to emerge, and it wasn't until he was forced to show his true potential, that he could he really be judged. He was a character with many hidden traits until he was forced to show his genuine character while trying to take the throne after Caesar's death. Once he became a leader of Rome, his true character was uncovered.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Mark Antony: Loyal Friend or Cunning Politician essay
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