Love Lines in Greek Mythology

Categories: Greek Mythology Novel

Greek novel and Greek love has been the main attention by philologists since the 19th century. The Ancient Greek novel has adventures and strange love stories and they were also known as Erotic novels. Any type of love can come with a lot of different implications such as strange love can come in many ways such as a bow arrow or just by a stare in the eyes to make there feelings arise. When they get shot by a love arrow or the gods stare into the goddesses eyes they could win the loved one over to them.

The glance and the kiss are conquering techniques to winning the god or goddesses heart.

There were 4 Erotic novels which were complete and they were: Caritón, Xenophon of Ephesus, Longo, and Aquiles Tacio. Aquiles Tacio story was about young adolescents, of extraordinary beauty in a high social position fall in love and marry es other. But, in a series of adventures the wife ends up falling in love with another god.

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There are two main ways love arrives. One way is the crush of love has a feeling suddenly arrives. The second way is that the god shows the way of being loved.In the story of Ephesians of Xenophon it shows us how powerful falling in love is with other goddesses.

In the story of Ephesians of Xenophon Habrocomes, an appealing, refined, and self-important 16 year old man in the city of Ephesus and Anthia an 14 year old women person, become hopelessly falling in love with one another powerlessly in the wake of meeting quickly at the Artemis Celebration.

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But they suffer miserably because each one is afraid to reveal this love to the other. Their parents, hoping to cure them, visit Apollo's shrine in Colophon.The soothsayer predicts that Habrocomes and Anthia will manage privateers, tombs, consuming, and floods, however their circumstance will improve. While trying to turn away from evil, the guardians arrange the lovers to marry each other rapidly and afterward to send them to Egypt for their assurance and protection.

There were numerous odd romantic tales in Greek mythology. One of them is when Ares made love to Aphrodite on her spouses bed and got captured. The goddess of love Aphrodite, agreed to marry Hephaestus the god of fire as a piece of an arrangement by their parents. Truly she had always been in love with Ares and wished to be with him. So the two lovebirds did what they needed to do: they began an affair that started on her husband's bed. Hephaestus got home to locate the two people on his bed. Normally, he was angry and shaped a chain so neither Ares nor Aphrodite could move. The husband chained them up so the other gods could come watch them chained.

Another unusual romantic tale is when Aphrodite accepting Adonis as a lover after transforming his mom into a tree. Aphrodite had a complicated relationship with Adonis. She cursed his mother and made her a tree for not worshipping her. Smyrna bore the attractive Adonis while in the pattern of the tree. Enchanted with the gorgeous infant, Aphrodite took him and kept him in a chest which she entrusted to Persephone who later needed the child for herself. After some battling they at last concurred that Adonis would live four schedule a very long time with every goddess, leaving him four months of opportunity, which he later went through with Aphrodite, whom he enjoyed the most. Adonis was then slaughtered by a hog, which some variant of the legend noted as Ares, Aphrodite's jealous fan.

Strange love in Greek mythology was very weird and strange many times such as Dionysus forced to marry the unconscious Aura after getting her drunk. Dionysus the god of wine and pleasure was madly in love with Aura a young goddess of Titan who loved hunting. Dionysus desperate for her attention used his godly power to create a nearby wine fountain to kill her thirst while hunting. Aura became intoxicated after gulping a lot of the alcohol. Dionysus then took advantage of her while she was unaware.That's not all though other gods saw the union and persuaded Dionysus to marry her so for the god and the unconscious bride they threw a wedding. After waking up, Aura became mad but she was powerless against the lord so she could only mourn her missing virginity and the fact that she was pregnant with twins. Aura became furious with the first-born of the twins while the second-born was rescued by the twins.

Another strange love story is when Zeus turned his mistress into a cow to avoid getting caging but he ends up getting caught anyways. Although Io was a goddess Hera's priestess, Zeus could not help but fall in love with the lovely maiden. One day, as Zeus seduced Hera his wife came down in pursuit of him from Olympus. Desperately wanting to escape the wrath of his mother Zeus converted Io into a white cow. Hera pretending not to know begged Zeus to send her the cow as a reward and then sent her off. When Zeus sent Hermes to set Io free things became really ugly resulting in Hera's wrath who then sent a gadfly to sting Io all over and chased her around the world giving hera no rest at all.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Love Lines in Greek Mythology. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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