Essays on Sense And Sensibility

Sense And Sensibility
Original title Sense And Sensibility

Jane Austen


Romance Novel

Language English
Characters Elinor Dashwood, Edward Ferrars, Marianne Dashwood, John Willoughby, Colonel Brandon
Published October 18, 1811
ISBN 978-0-14-303975-4
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Elinor Dashwood, the daughter of a wealthy gentleman, is known for her good sense and strong ability to control her emotions. Her younger sister, Marianne, is the opposite, and is known for being very passionate and expressive. The girls’ mother dies, leaving them with very little money. Their father remarries a woman with two daughters of her own, and the new family moves to a smaller house. The Dashwood sisters are forced to find husbands who will be able to support them financially. Elinor falls in love with a man named Edward Ferrars, but finds out that he is already engaged to another woman. Marianne falls in love with a man named John Willoughby, but he breaks her heart when he becomes engaged to someone else.

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Jane Austen’s Book Sense And Sensibility: How Women Are Treated Badly
...Needless to say, it is obvious that when Miss Austin wrote “Sense and Sensibilities” she was writing from what seemed to be from another time. Another time which promoted women’s equality and love in marriages. Her characters are livid descript...
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