Essays on Of Our Spiritual Strivings

Of Our Spiritual Strivings
Original title Of Our Spiritual Strivings
Author WEB Dubois


Language English
Characters no characters
Published 1903
ISBN 0-8070-1227-4
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

In Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” Du Bois argues that the problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line. He contends that the solution to this problem lies in the recognition of the spiritual strivings of black people. These strivings, he argues, are the result of the unique experience of black people in America. Black people have been subjected to centuries of oppression, but they have also been able to maintain their humanity and their dignity in the face of this oppression. As a result, they have developed a unique perspective on the world that can contribute to the solution of the problem of the color line.”

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