Essays on Number the Stars

Number the Stars
Original title Number the Stars
Author Lois Lowry
Genre Historical Fiction
Language English
Characters Annemarie Johansen, Ellen Rosen, Peter Nielsen, Henrik Johansen, Cousin Lise, Uncle Henrik, Aunt BirteInge, Mrs Hirsch, Kirsten, Mrs Rosen ...
Published 1989
ISBN 9780547577211
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In the book “Number the Stars”, by Lois Lowry, the Danish government and the Danish resistance movement help Jews escape from the Nazis during World War II. Many Jews are forced to wear yellow stars, and they are not allowed to own property or go to school. The Nazis are planning to deport the Jews to concentration camps, so the Danish people help them escape. The Danish resistance movement smuggles them out of the country in fishing boats. The Jews go to Sweden, where they are safe from the Nazis.

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