Essays on Mans Search For Meaning

Mans Search For Meaning
Original title Mans Search For Meaning
Author Viktor E Frankl


Language German
Characters Viktor Frankl, Mrs Frankl, Dr Robert J Lifton, Mrs Lifton, Elisabeth Kübler, Ross
Published 1946 (Vienna, Austria) 1959 (United States)
ISBN 978-0-8052-0269-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl argues that the meaning of life is something that each person must discover for themselves. He goes on to say that the meaning of life cannot be found in external factors such as wealth, power, or fame, but must instead be found within each person. Frankl provides several examples from his own life, including his experience as a concentration camp inmate during the Holocaust, to illustrate his point. He argues that even in the most difficult of circumstances, it is possible to find meaning in life. This meaning can be found through our relationships with others, our work, or our creativity. Frankl concludes by saying that the meaning of life is something that each person must find for themselves, and that it is through our search for meaning that we can achieve true happiness.

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