Essays on Greasy Lake

Greasy Lake
Original title Greasy Lake

T. Coraghessan Boyle


Romantic , Historical , Thriller ,

Language English
Characters narrator, Digby, Jeff, Milt, Elwood, Sarah, Dean, Mrs Starch, George, Jerry ...
Published 1985
ISBN 978-0-14-027345-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The book tells the story of a group of teenage boys in the 1960s who spend their summers hanging out at a lake in New Jersey. They drink, smoke, and party, and generally act like delinquents. One summer, they decide to take things a step further and break into a car. They end up trashing the car and getting chased by the police. The experience is a wake-up call for the boys, and they realize that they need to start acting like adults.

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