Animal Farm Characters list


Benjamin is a donkey in Animal Farm who is pessimistic, cynical, and reluctant to get involved in the rebellion. He is wise and perceptive, but tends to keep to himself and remain neutral in most situations.


Boxer is a strong and hardworking horse in Animal Farm, who is dedicated to the cause of the revolution. He is loyal to his friends and always ready to help, but he often lacks the intelligence to see the flaws in his leaders’ plans.

Old Major

Old Major is a well-respected and wise pig who inspires the animals on Manor Farm to rebel against their human owner and establish a new society where all animals are equal.


Pilkington is a human character in the book Animal Farm who is the owner of Foxwood, a neighboring farm. He is known to be a shrewd and untrustworthy man who is constantly in conflict with Napoleon, the pig who becomes the leader of Animal Farm. Despite this, he develops a friendly relationship with the animals on the farm and ultimately seeks to form an alliance with them against the common enemy of Frederick, the owner of a neighboring farm.


Snowball is a pig in the book Animal Farm, who is known for his intelligence and leadership qualities. He is instrumental in the revolution that overthrows the human owners of the farm and dreams of creating a society with equality for all animals. However, he is eventually chased off the farm and becomes a scapegoat for the problems that arise under the new regime.


Squealer is a persuasive and manipulative pig in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, often used to spread propaganda and manipulate the other animals into accepting the pigs’ reign.

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